Fandom High 20 Year Reunion Brunch, The Park, Sunday Morning

May 29, 2016 04:15

Hopefully, everyone still had a little socialization in them yesterday after the mixer. There was still plenty of Tamsin's booze reserves to be shared, which would go nicely with all of the breakfast foods being served.

Each of the tables had a pot of coffee as well, just in case that was needed. There was no glitter in the coffee, promise.

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peridot, ezra sagishi, katherine hana li, rufus shinra, 20 year reunion, ahsoka tano, kanan jarrus, hannibal lecter, dante, atton rand, cassandra pentaghast, electroclash

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Tables bigdamndean May 29 2016, 08:17:12 UTC
Mmmmm coffee.


Re: Tables rebelseekspizza May 29 2016, 11:13:05 UTC
So the first thing Dante was grabbing today was technically a Virgin Mary, but whatever. He snagged a whole plate full of food and sat down, stretching his feet out under the table until his ankles hit the bench on the other side.

Not bad.


Re: Tables electrocynic May 29 2016, 12:34:11 UTC
Sarah had not noticed anything off this weekend. That was what happened when you didn't leave your apartment for a whole day.

But she'd heard there was free food again. So she was here with a big plate of breakfast food, and a coffee, hogging a table all to herself. Socialize at your own risk.


Re: Tables studyingfear May 29 2016, 23:24:34 UTC
Rufus had a plate of food, a sleepy puppy in his lap, and time on his hands to people watch.

He alternated that with reading.

It didn't bother him that whatever it was that had made others older this weekend hadn't touched him. He could think of several reasons why that might be.


Re: Tables angry_pie_slice May 29 2016, 23:37:09 UTC
The creature was sleeping! Now was the perfect time to approach Rufus, reach for the closest thing with human writing on it, and then point to it with one finger.


Look, Rufus. She'd been learning. Now you could be impressed.


"I don't know what that is."

Except for that part.


Re: Tables studyingfear May 29 2016, 23:39:56 UTC
"I was going to congratulate you," Rufus said, looking up from his book, "but now I wonder if I should."

Still it was progress. He was moderately proud of her.

"It's a drink."


Re: Tables angry_pie_slice May 29 2016, 23:52:23 UTC
"Ah." Peridot squinted at the bottle. She was only holding it the right way up by virtue of the writing on it showing her how it was meant to sit. "So another substance that humans derive sustenance from. Why are there so many different varieties of drinks?"

It was possible that 'food' was being lumped in with 'drink.' It went into the mouth, it was all the same to Peridot.


Re: Tables studyingfear May 29 2016, 23:55:07 UTC
Rufus could give her a serious answer.

Or he could give her one that was less serious and still, likely, rather true.

"Because we get bored so easily," Rufus said. "No one wants to eat or drink the same thing all the time."


Re: Tables angry_pie_slice May 29 2016, 23:59:12 UTC
"I shouldn't be surprised," Peridot sighed. "I'm beginning to wonder if most of my questions about human behavior can be answered with 'boredom.'"

She really was. Rufus was one of a growing number of people who had raised concerns with her about whether or not she ever got to have fun. There was some odd human fixation on it that she really couldn't grasp.


Re: Tables studyingfear May 30 2016, 00:02:20 UTC
He'd been vaguely curious, not concerned.

There was a difference.

"That's fairly accurate," he said agreeably. "Though, given my status as a human, I can't say it displeases me."


Re: Tables angry_pie_slice May 30 2016, 00:10:17 UTC
"You are the one with your tiny companion creature sitting in your lap," Peridot pointed out, gesturing toward Dark Nation with the soda bottle in hand.

Woe betide the next person to take the cap off.

"I still don't completely understand your need to have it around," she noted, "though I admit I have some minor bias on the matter."

Finger stealing little...


Re: Tables studyingfear May 30 2016, 00:16:45 UTC
"He was helping you train," Rufus said virtuously, because Peridot's fingers getting stolen had been hilarious. Not that he'd laughed, but it had been. "I like him."

Rufus said that about extremely few beings.


Re: Tables angry_pie_slice May 30 2016, 00:23:01 UTC
"We've established that you like him," Peridot noted, her tone dry. "And I can't imagine why I might need to train in the art of chasing my body parts around."

Usually, this wasn't an issue.


Re: Tables studyingfear May 30 2016, 00:24:51 UTC
"You keep questioning why I have him around," Rufus pointed out, just as dryly. "The answer does not change."

A beat.

"And perhaps one day chasing your parts around will prove a useful skill."


Re: Tables angry_pie_slice May 30 2016, 00:31:50 UTC
"I'm not questioning why," Peridot answered. "I'm simply not seeing a logical reason for it. But that's fine. I've come to accept humanity as a largely illogical species."

That was intended as some kind of comfort. Or something. She was trying, really.

"And I sincerely hope 'chasing my touch stumps around' is a skill I won't ever need to put to use again."


Re: Tables studyingfear May 30 2016, 00:39:06 UTC
"A pity," he said.

Since it really was hilarious.

"I see you've learned to read a little," he added.

Rufus didn't think she'd figured out his note yet. He didn't think that she'd be able to not tell him her opinion of it once she did.


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