Prom - Community Center, Friday Evening

Apr 10, 2015 09:02

Hopefully, Fandom's student body knew better by now than to expect to come into a room decorated normally for Prom, with streamers and flowers and maybe a balloon drop or something for the end of the evening. There were streamers, of course, just as there was the usual surplus of glitter, though most of it had gone up on the walls tonight in cave ( Read more... )


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Comments 422

Arrival/Mingling [Prom 2015] myownface April 10 2015, 12:07:49 UTC
Show up solo or with a date on your arm, come on in and enjoy the unique decorations! They're handing out Pebbles headbands and Fred bowties at the door, if you'd like to accessorize with the theme, and the music tonight is an assortment of music through the ages, with a healthy smattering of songs about cavemen and dinosaurs thrown in for good measure.


Re: Arrival/Mingling [Prom 2015] doesnotkneel April 10 2015, 12:35:30 UTC
It had never sat right with Edward that he couldn't attend these functions dressed appropriately, and with someone at his side. At least one of these was no longer the case, however, so while his clothing was really only nice in the way that it was clean...

"Well, they've certainly decorated to make us feel at home this time 'round," he said wryly, to Cosette.


Re: Arrival/Mingling [Prom 2015] wildandbrave April 10 2015, 14:47:28 UTC
"I've no idea what to make of it all," admitted Cosette, on whom the cultural reference was (luckily for her) completely lost. "It's funny, I suppose, but I don't understand it."

By her standards, the dress she was wearing wasn't terribly fancy; regardless, she seemed perfectly happy to be here, and not at all bothered if Edward wasn't the fanciest dressed person here.

"Are you going to put on one of those ties?" she asked, mischievously. "Since they did go to the trouble of providing them for us?"

She was considering one herself, just for amusement's sake.


Re: Arrival/Mingling [Prom 2015] doesnotkneel April 10 2015, 14:53:25 UTC
Edward let out a slight laugh.

"We should, shouldn't we?" he said. "It's rude, refusing a thing freely given, especially if it's a hint towards a dress code."

He rather liked her dress. It wasn't particularly fancy, no, but she looked good in it, and it put some of his own neuroses about his own clothing at ease.


Photo Booth! [Prom 2015] myownface April 10 2015, 12:09:55 UTC
What would prom be without some super memorable photo backdrops, so that you can immortalize this moment forever?


Food and Punch [Prom 2015] myownface April 10 2015, 12:13:40 UTC
What would a dance be without a food table full to the brim with delicious (mostly paleo) snacks and desserts and, of course, the punch.

Probably not spiked yet. That might change as the night progresses, naturally. It's tradition.


Re: Food and Punch [Prom 2015] doesnotkneel April 10 2015, 12:36:43 UTC
Edward wound up here eventually, of course. It was where the food was! And the drinks!

He'd contemplated bringing in the fancy rum he'd gotten from Isabelle to spike it, but he'd relented. Largely because it was expensive rum, and he didn't want to be handing it out just like that.

Instead he was stacking up an impressive amount of food.


Re: Food and Punch [Prom 2015] theheadkid April 10 2015, 14:11:07 UTC
After wandering around and getting a feel for everything, Travis ended up near the the food and drink section. He picked up a cup and sipped on it idly while he checked things out.


Re: Food and Punch [Prom 2015] spin_kick_snap April 10 2015, 16:00:17 UTC
"Hey stranger," Kathy said, on one of her trips to the table. She'd realized she hadn't seen Travis since that whole Gaunt ordeal and immediately felt guilty for not checking up on him sooner. "How've you been?"


Dance Floor! [Prom 2015] myownface April 10 2015, 12:17:20 UTC
The DJ tonight (clad in a European neck ruff and a Fred Flintstone tunic) was keeping the musical selection wide and varied, with popular songs from literally every era in human history. Every. Single. One.

Can you get down and boogie to the sweet strains of the zither or the lute? If not, don't worry about it. There are plenty of modern (caveman and dinosaur) themed songs interspersed for good measure.


Re: Dance Floor! [Prom 2015] doesnotkneel April 10 2015, 18:42:41 UTC
"Jaysus," Edward said, briefly snapping out of his attempt at being a proper gentleman in front of Cosette. "Is that Grimstock?"


Re: Dance Floor! [Prom 2015] wildandbrave April 10 2015, 19:13:28 UTC
"I'm afraid I can't tell you," Cosette said, still laughing from his over-the-top behavior. "There are so many different kinds of music here tonight, aren't there? I'm not quite sure how to dance to most of it, but I'll try."


Re: Dance Floor! [Prom 2015] doesnotkneel April 10 2015, 19:17:38 UTC
"I doubt there's anyone in the audience who knows how to dance to most of it," Edward said wryly. "We can get away with any amount of flailing."


Shadowy Corners! [Prom 2015] myownface April 10 2015, 12:18:38 UTC
They're only slightly darker than usual, since StuCo didn't use as much glitter as usual for this dance. The walls have twinkly deer on them, though. And you're just as likely to have to contend with the bubbles here as anywhere else.


Re: Shadowy Corners! [Prom 2015] thegreywaren April 10 2015, 12:42:45 UTC
There was only so much time Ronan could spend standing around in glitter before retreating to a place where he was more comfortable and he couldn't see the glitter.

Even if it was still there.


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