Policemen's Ball, Town Hall - Saturday Evening

Aug 09, 2008 12:49

The town hall was completely critters free. A group of stockmen had decided to take the task upon themselves to make the building bug free so all attendants could enjoy themselves without having to worry. Roy for a moment had debated calling off the event, but when no serious incident had come to him he decided to let it go through after all.

The hall was brightly decorated. There were no fireplaces this time around, but the ice theme seemed to continue as there was a clone trooper ice sculpture near the entrance of the hall. There were the usual tables with food to the side of the hall, most of it seemed to come from Chilly Boulder. But not the chocolate fountain. Roy wasn't going to say where he had that one from.

((Wheee ball! As with all PMB's this is adults only. Townies dating alumni are free to bring their date, however. OCD coming up! OCD is up!))

town hall

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