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Comments 984

ihavenocodename April 18 2010, 17:05:40 UTC
Which would be why Jean shrieked as soon as she exited the building. "My hair!"

Not to mention her pajamas were now ruined.


willbethenight April 18 2010, 19:36:32 UTC
Bruce found his way over to Jean and grumped out a snarky, "Nice weather for this time of night. How are you?"


ihavenocodename April 18 2010, 19:40:47 UTC
Jean just shot him a look that implied she would be suing the island if only that were possible. Look at her hair! It was ruined!

"I think this place is trying to drive us all crazy."


willbethenight April 18 2010, 19:45:51 UTC
"Isn't that what it always tries to do?" Bruce asked.


bigdamndestiny April 18 2010, 17:08:31 UTC
Now, normally Merlin liked chocolate. And marshmallows.

Jut not, you know, hurtling down from the sky at him. So, this made for the lest impressive show of Fandom's hatred of all it's inhabitants.

Could have at least given a bit of warning so people could get a bucket out. If they were so inclined.

So, he stood off to the side, arms bundled up against his chest, cursing the island for all he was worth.


bitch_prince April 18 2010, 17:32:36 UTC
"I swear this happens solely so they can torment us," Arthur groused, petulantly.


bigdamndestiny April 18 2010, 17:34:56 UTC
"At least the school year is almost over?" Merlin replied, trying for optimism.


bitch_prince April 18 2010, 17:45:17 UTC
"Well, that hardly helps us right now, does it?" Arthur griped. He was such lovely company like this. Honest.


redandblueblur April 18 2010, 17:11:04 UTC
Chocolate falling from the sky?

Now this was new for Clark.

"Anybody got some graham crackers?" Clark couldn't help but wonder, catching a marshmallow in his hand and letting the chocolate rain coat it before he stuck the combination in his mouth.

There were worse ways to spend a fire drill.


blondecanary April 18 2010, 17:51:17 UTC
"See, why didn't I think of that?" Dinah said aloud, looking around for Karla, who could maybe get some for them, then grinning up at Clark.


redandblueblur April 18 2010, 17:56:02 UTC
"Hey, I'm the one who feels unprepared now," Clark told her, licking some chocolate that dripped on his lip. "Full as the showers are gonna be when we get back inside, this is already a better drill than last time."


blondecanary April 18 2010, 17:59:33 UTC
Dinah snickered, and took a moment to admire the chocolate-streaked picture he made, then said, "Much better. At least we're not freezing, and I guess it's too bad if you don't like chocolate, but..." She licked off her fingers again, then caught a marshmallow and held it up to get coated. "Island weirdness makes everything better."


nimeni April 18 2010, 17:12:38 UTC
Bod hadn't ever experienced a fire drill let alone a fire drill complete with sweet things raining down from the sky.

Thus, he was out there in an old, loose pair of pants (he'd missed the shirt on the way out) and trying to take cover under a small tree. It wasn't really working and he saw a long shower in his future.


rocksthescarf April 18 2010, 17:15:03 UTC
Chuck? Was not very happy. Rain was one thing, but syrup was another. Luckily he had been in Fandom long enough to know there was always time to grab an umbrella, so he wasn't completely covered in chocolate. These pajama pants were going to have to be thrown away though.

He hated this town sometimes.


decoder_rings April 18 2010, 17:24:31 UTC
"Aww, Chuck, not having a good time?" Hannibal asked, wiping some of the chocolate rain off his face as he wandered over.


rocksthescarf April 18 2010, 17:26:51 UTC
"Is it that obvious?" Chuck asked, frowning. "It's disgusting out here."


decoder_rings April 18 2010, 17:31:03 UTC
"If we had some ice cream, we could make a sundae," he said, trying to find the silver lining in the situation. "You brought an umbrella, at least. I fucked up on that."


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