By now, Ender had identified whatever was going on with him as the raging hormones that they were. He still didn't like it; the indirectness of the itch, the way it made him flush for no reason at all, was troubling. Maybe if there had been an actual target for it, it would've made more sense to deal with, but there wasn't
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One can only handle tossing and turning for so long.
She thought the roof might be a good place to relax for a bit, catching the morning before she had to worry about class. She hadn't expected anyone else to be up there.
"Oh. Good morning," she said with a nod.
It might be noticed that she was still in her thin white linen nightdress with only a knitted shawl around her shoulders and bare feet.
It didn't stop that chimp from curling under his skin, leaning into not-quite-right but drawing his eyes to the lines of her skin by the nightdress anyway.
He fought it. His eyes went up to her face. "Good morning."
Not exactly a great conversation starter, but Eleanor couldn't think of much else. She was too busy noticing his eyes. Wow.
It wasn't brilliant, either. Not to his standards.
Sleeping had proved difficult. Her body ached; there were feelings she couldn't name nor express and she ached, not knowing how to satiate the raging need.
Unaware of anyone else out, she had fled here to try and quiet her minds thoughts, and more importantly get some sort of stoic grip on innominate emotions that continued to plague her.
He didn't say anything to greet her - whatever it was that was going on with him, with the rest of Fandom, was something he felt no need to provoke.
If only it would push back the desire that seemed to ripple in waves just under the surface of her skin.
There was something wrong with her and she was easy to accept that it possibly could have started with the stick figures in Professor Bond's class yesterday.
"Oh," she murmured on a whisper, "please stop."
Today, though? There was something a little ... he didn't feel quite right in his skin, and even Yurika wasn't helping as much as she usually did. Maybe it was his conversation with Turtle last night putting him in a melancholy mood, he wasn't sure. At any rate, he was up on the roof earlier than he wanted to be awake, stray package of smokes he'd kept for emergencies such as this one in his hand.
Of course, he couldn't be the only one there. "Good morrow," he said, to no one in particular, as he lit his cigarette and found a place on the ledge to sit.
He'd hoped that if there weren't any girls around, the whirling of his hormones wouldn't be quite as disorienting. Instead, Romeo seemed to make it worse somehow, and Ender caught himself staring at the line of his arm while he lit that cigarette.
He shook his head and wiped at his eyes, and thought about space coordinates.
So: "I hope it doesn't rain all day," he observed, glancing a the sky and then out toward the coast. "It doesn't feel like the kind of day to spend trapped inside."
Safe and stable. "The island's in a mood."
Which was rather out of character since it meant she was wearing a worn pair of running shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. And that her hair was slightly disarrayed and a fine sheen of sweat was still visible. The sweat was weird because she hadn't really been running that hard... Ditto the elevated heart rate.
So he'd headed for the roof, hoping that some air would help.
...he really should have checked to see if anyone else was up there.
"Ho, Ender."
It wasn't easy to juggle both of those impulses at once; he suspected he looked a little like a deer in headlights, if more subtly so.
Not that he was okay, himself, but making sure Ender was was suddenly much, much more important than it usually was.
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