Summer Semester 2007 - for realz this time

Apr 02, 2007 14:46

No, we're not really closing the game for the summer. But thank you to everyone who believed it even for the briefest of moments before realizing what date it was. Here's the real deal, an info dump post for your viewing pleasure.

Semester Structure/Workshop Expectations

There are two terms over the Summer, same as last year. First term begins on May 14 and ends on June 29 with a week-long break (July 2 to July 6) before the next one starts. Second term begins July 9 and ends on August 24, another break week (August 27 to August 31) capping things off until Fall semester. Each term is roughly one half of a semester.

See here for a more specific breakdown of the dates for both terms.

Students can choose to stay for one or both terms. The only expectation is that, if you sign up for a term, you stay for its entirety, showing up to workshops just as you would for classes during the normal school year.

The minimum number of workshops allowed for sign-up per character is 2, maximum of either 4 or 5 (the final decision on this will be made and announced to the game after the next application period).

For teachers, the expectation is similar to normal classes in that workshop posts should be up by 12:00PM PST on the day the class is scheduled. Other than that, the teachers should avoid hardcore academics or heavy workloads even more than they do during the regular school year. Summer is meant to be light and fun.

Seniors are welcome to stay for the summer and, depending on our numbers, they will be able to do one of two things. We will either have a work project program available (construction or the like), or seniors can seek out teachers/townies who are summer instructors and become workshop assistants. Either way, they will all have a place in a senior cabin.

Seniors who aren't staying the summer will have three weeks after graduation to make their goodbyes and leave the island. We'll have a definite date once the details are hammered out, but it'll be in late May for sure.

Teachers will be allowed to teach summer workshops and further information on how to submit summer workshops will be coming out shortly. Remember, if you choose to teach, you must stick with the workshop through the entire term.

If you're a teacher type and have decided against teaching a summer workshop, you have two options open to you.

The first option is maintaining some form of regular activity by acquiring a summer job in town or performing some sort of community service. Summer jobs are pretty self explanatory and I'm sure businesses will advertise should help be needed. Your teacher can also perform some sort of community service such as running a community club, picking up trash, or working on a project to improve the community (like a community garden). If you're short on ideas, let us know and we'll try and hammer out some project ideas. All community service work will need to be cleared prior to your teacher starting their project.

If you choose not to teach and choose not to do a regular activity in town, your teacher must leave the island for the summer on a vacation.


Like last summer, townies may apply to teach a workshop over the summer. The workshop may be run in one session, or in both sessions, and like the rest of the workshops, should be geared towards summer activities and interaction. Townies who teach will continue to live in town, and will be expected to maintain their jobs or shops in addition to running their workshops.


Similar to last year, some of summer semester will be spent in cabins located in the Preserve.

Students will move to the cabins early in the semester. The length of their stay there is to be determined. We'll let you know closer to the date.

Seniors who stay behind after graduation will have their own cabin.

Pets are allowed in the cabins.

Teachers will remain at their residences in town, but there will be an opportunity for teachers to be 'on duty' to keep an eye on those meddling kids overnight.

Cabins are set out like this:

The living room is for cabin residents and basic living room etiquette is that you don't go in without an invite. Outside the living room door is a small campfire. Etiquette for campfires is like common rooms.

Sign Ups
Sign ups will be run differently this year. You can sign up on your own and be randomly assigned a cabin or, if you want to guarantee being in a cabin with someone you know, you can sign up with a partner that you have arranged OOC (IC doesn't matter as long as you let us know OOCly). The partnership will then be assigned to a cabin containing a maximum of 8 people.

You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do. There will be a sign up post available closer to the date. This isn't the sign-up post. But here, have some pie.

Other Facilities
The campground has a kitchen and dining hall, a small outdoor gymnasium and a main campfire. There are plenty of secluded places for your secretive and romantic types. Town will continue as it always does. The gym, garage and gun range in the dorms will also be accessible. More details about the accessibility of the rest of the school including dorm rooms will follow later in the semester.

Campground Layout:

For the newbies, if you want to see what summer was like last year, check out the community posts from around June-August last year.

Comments, questions, cheesecake? Either comment here or feel free to contact us at

PS: All mutinies have been called off due to rain.

cabins, info dump, summer semester

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