Wilderness Survival - Week 1| Thursday Morning, A Clearing in the Woods

May 25, 2006 22:59

Callisto waited until the class finished marching into the clearing they'd been given *handwavey* directions to.

"First things first," she held up a large box. "At the start of each class you will take off your shoes and put them in this box. You will get them back at the end of class, if I believe that you have paid sufficient attention in class. Otherwise I get to keep them for the week. After you've done that I want you to introduce yourself to the class and say why you decided to take this workshop."

"Since this is the first class, I'd thought I'd start with something fairly simple. Fandom is filled with many unique and interesting animals, from the ducks and giant squid, to the dancing lemers and weetiny bunnies, to the minature giraffes and shy, retiring teal deer, to John Crichton. Some of these are harmless, others dangerous, still more tasty. Which is why, when lost in the wilderness, it's important to know what animals might be in your near vicinity. One of the best ways to do this is through tracking, the basics of which I will be teaching you today."

Callisto went on to give a very interesting and informative talk on tracking. It might even have drawn the attention of a few teal deer.

"Your assignment today is to split into pairs and identify which Fandom animal made the set of tracks I've assigned you.

"Good luck. You're going to need it."

Pairs are:
1. Alec
Hamlet Dane Jr

2. Alphonse Elric
Janet Fraiser

3. Max Guevera
Molly Hayes

4. Joxer
Cameron Mitchell

5. M Parker
Buffy Summers

6. Aeryn Sun
Sam Winchester

[ooc: If you're stuck, the images are labelled in this gallery here. But at least try to have a little fun with this.]

[ooc: wait for the ooc threads and they're up!]

wilderness survival

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