Advanced Criminal Justice, Class 21, Period 1, 03.28.06

Mar 28, 2006 06:53

[OOC: Keeping with the low-impact lectures. Wheee. I may be slow to reply at work today, just FYI. Class Info Post.]

"Hello, class!" Tick said fron his normal position at the front of the room. "Remember, your projects are due next Tuesday. You'll have some time to work on them at the end of class, but today we go back to lecture and discussion as well."

"Today we'll be talking about private investigators. PIs. Private eyes. Private smurfs," Tick said to cover up any potentially dirty interpretation of a popular nickname. "Gumshoes. Among many other names. The profession of Holmes, Spade, Magnum, and Addison. I'm talking about the sometimes noble, sometimes skeezy, always interesting, world of private detecting."

"PIs often work for people in court cases for a number of purposes. Maybe they're checking to make sure a witness or defendant is on the up-and-up. Sometimes they're checking to see if a person with a signifcant other has another other that is in some way significant. And sometimes they're called upon to solve the big crimes that the police just can't figure out."

"In a way, they're almost like superheroes, only without powers, with a salary, and with more frequent trips into the bad parts of town for non-evil-whomping purposes. They outthink evil. And that's keen!"

"For discussion today, please talk aboutyour views on private eyeing. Have any experience with them? Seen them enough on television to know what's up? Are you one. and if so, do you have any stories to share? After this discussion, you can jump into your teams for the project if you need class time to work on them."

"This week's metaphor is umbrellas. And for extra credit, please come up with two more nicknames for private investigators. IF you get suggestive with the private smurves, though, you can only do so for one of the nicknames. So keep it clean!"

[OOC: Veronica has offered to answer questions about PIs.]

advanced criminal justice

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