The Art of Baking with Friends, Thursday

Dec 11, 2014 11:38

It was a very, very sheepish pink pony who stood at the front of the class today, almost disappearing behind the stacks of flour sacks and varied types of sugar.

"Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo," she said. "Last week was kinda . . . kooky."

"Putting it mildly," Derek muttered, avoiding any and all eye contact. For reasons.

"I dunno what that ghost guy's issue was," Pinkie said. "But he had more than a coupla screws loose, if you know what I mean!"

They did. If nothing else because of knowing Pinkie.

"Aaaaaaanyway." Pinkie looked up at the ceiling, doing a bit of the "no eye contact" thing herself. "Today's our very last baking class of the semester." She gave a melodramatic sigh.

"Which means it's time for finals," Derek said, trying to get them through this as quickly as possible. But, let's be honest, it was going to be embarrassing for the teachers no matter what. "Make something."

And wow, Derek was helpful.

"Absatutely anything you want!" Pinkie said, maybe slightly desperately. "Whatever sweet treat or baked fluffy bready goodness you like best! WE HAVE RECIPES!" She thrust her front hooves in the air, clutching a wrinkled bunch of pages, every inch of her screaming 'PLEASE DON'T HATE MEEEEEEE'. "And have fun! Please? Please have fun."

She will cry if you don't. Seriously.

Derek was just going to… stoically hug the pony now, class. See what you made him do? Do you see? His life was just full of sacrifice and hardship.


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