Home Ec is Outrageous!; Monday, Period Five [ 07/05 ].

Jul 05, 2010 07:37

And so, then next chapter of Aquaman's Adventures in High School Education was about to begin! While the topics were the same, it was a new batch of curious students ready to learn, and he hoped that he could still throw in a few surprises as they did. As the students came into the home ec classroom, they would find on their tables a box of various supplies, some crayons and markers and paints, scissors and hot glue guns. And glitter, of course! One had to have glitter!

The large man in the tight superhero outfit positively beamed from the head of the classroom as the students got settled, waiting for the precise minute for class to begin. Once it came, he started, bursting with professorial pride, while managing to spout of last semester's greeting almost verbatum. It had been a good one, and sometimes there was no shame in keeping the good speeches. "Hello, intrepid young knowledge seekers! I trust your first day of world-expanding workshops have been going swimmingly so far, and allow me to welcome you to the home ec classroom. Here, we will join forces together to explore the outrageous wonders of the home economics world! My name is Aquaman, and you may be wondering what a well-known superhero and king of the undersea realm might be doing here teaching home economics in a summer workshop! Well, let me tell you!"

He took a moment to turn around, picking up a marker for the dry erase board, and he wrote out across it a phrase. The marker squeaked, still, with each careful stroke, a skill carried over from last semester. Aquaman still didn't seem to notice, either. He finished with a very deliberate and dramatic dot on the bottom of his exclamation point and backed away.

"A man (or woman)'s home is his castle, and if he (or she) cannot maintain his (or her) own castle, how can he (or she) be expected to maintain his kingdom?" he read off importantly.

He stood there admiring it for a moment, never getting tired of such sage advice, before turning back around to the class. "You see, just like crime fighting, I believe that maintaing home and hearth to be a hands-on job! It builds character! If that means I'm to mend my own socks, well, then, mend them I shall!"

No, Aquaman didn't really ever wear socks. That was beside the point.

"So, my intrepid individuals, these next few weeks, we shall embark on the great journey of learning how to better take care of the ecomonics of home! Because home is where the heart is! On your desks, you will find a syllabus, so you know precisely what to look forward to, and please let me know if you have any questions at all. Today's adventure?"

Again, he turned to the board. Again, the marker squeaked with every careful move.

"Introductions & Color Scheme!"

"Introductions!" he said. "And color scheme! It is important for superheroes and homes alike to have a certain color scheme to ground them and make them noteable! As you can see, I am quite fond of orange and green, myself. They are bold and outrageous, just like me! Green is also the color of life and vitality, and of nature, which gives us life...and vitality. And orange, well, orange is for vitality, too, and it helps inspire creativity and it's really, really noticeable. Plus? I like it a lot!"

"So I'd like you all to take a few minutes and think about what colors you would like to choose to represent you! Think well, but think quick! Then, we will take turns going around the room; introduce yourself, telling us who you are, a little about where you are from, why you've decided to take Home Ec, and then tell us what your colors are and why! Then, we will spend the rest of the class using those colors to design a room! It can be any kind of room! Bedroom, living room, bath room...it doesn't matter, as long as you use your colors as the central theme for them. You can use whatever you like to design them; everything you need should be there at your desks. If you're feeling particularly bold and brave, there are shoeboxes provided so you can put your design into a really cool diorama!"

"So, if there aren't any questions, five minutes! And then we'll talk color!"

[[ please wait for the slowly approaching OCD was not so slow today. Have at it! ]]

[[ Class Syllabus and Roster! ]]

home ec

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