Monomyths [Tuesday, January 12, Period 3]

Jan 12, 2010 03:49

"We're going to start today by talking about your final," Cindy announced as soon as class began. "I know it seems like a long way away, but if you look at the syllabus I handed out last week, you'll realize it's only about fourteen weeks away and the nature of the final requires a lot of advanced prep work." The grin she flashed the class was more mischievous than evil, though they were welcome to interpret it any way they liked. "One of the things I want to stress in this class is that even though the concept of the heroic journey has its roots in works written millennia ago, it's a concept that is still at work today, influencing your own culture. Thus, to really bring that home, you final exam will consist of an essay to be handed in the final day of class. To prepare for your essay--in addition to coming to class and such--you'll be watching all seven seasons of Wendy the Werewolf Stalker. Does Wendy embark on a masculine heroic journey? A feminine heroic journey? Both? Neither? Drawing upon examples from the show and concepts we cover in class, that's the question you'll be answering." She smiled at them again. "Now you understand why I'm telling you this now. Seven seasons, fourteen weeks. You're all in high school and are capable of doing the math."

She leaned against her desk to continue. "Should you decide, for whatever reason, that you don't wish to base your final exam on Wendy that's fine. However, by the midterm, I will need a major work that you would prefer to write on instead. This will give me enough time to familiarize myself with the work in question and decide upon its suitability. Best to give me three choices, just in case your first and second choice don't work out."

She straightened again. "One last bit of prep before we get to class--Anemone? Blysse? You're the TAs for this class. Please feel free to see me after class if you'd like to discuss what that entails. That's settled; let's get to learning, shall we? Today we'll be discussing the basic the difference between the masculine and feminine journey. Now, before you start taking notes, there's something I want to stress. Just because the journey is referred by one gender or the other, it doesn't follow that the hero must be of that same gender. Men can undergo the feminine journey just as easily as women and vice versa. We clear? Good. Let's begin."

On the chalkboard before class, Cindy had written:

Feminine Journey--
*The journey where the hero must go deep inside herself and change throughout the story.
*She 'awakens' in Act I and journeys towards rebirth
*She comes into her power to realize her authentic goals and connectedness;
*Thus, her journey is the path that leads her to power and control.
*At the beginning of the story, the hero does not realize she's living a life filled with other people's goals and ambitions. They have no idea what they truly want or are capable of doing until they are forced to reexamine everything as part of their journey.
*Generally, the hero is not supported at the outset. She may face censure and public disapproval for her desire to leave the community and embark on her journey.
*Character-based stories and Lifetime Originals

Masculine Journey--
*The journey where the hero resists inner change until Act III, where he must choose to awaken and go onto victory or choose to rebel and go onto failure
*He starts with his power intact and awakens only when he realizes his power is holding him back from fully experiencing life.
*He must let go of his power to realize his authentic goals and connectedness;
*Thus, his journey is the path that leads him to give up that power and control.
*At the beginning of the story, the hero does not realize the power he has in the world only helps him reach the goals society deems acceptable. He does not realize that he must give up some of that power for him to fulfill inner goals that do are not socially approved.
*Generally, the hero is fully supported by the group and society as a whole when he chooses to embark upon his journey. He may even be assured that things will be taken care of in his absence.
*Action films, cop movies, buddy movies.

"That's a lot of information in a very few lines," Cindy said, aware her students might argue the 'very few' part. "So let's talk."

[OCD up!]


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