As usual, the weather gods had smiled upon the island just in time for the picnic, and it seemed like the weather would stay pleasant all day. Somehow, the picnic had ended up with a tropical-colored theme this time around, with bright streamers and balloons set to designate where everyone could gather. If this gave the impression that the school was a nice, normal place, it was only to ease the island's new residents into their surroundings. Or possibly to lull them into a false sense of security, but no one would ever admit that.
The tables were set up with a variety of food and drinks, a stack of nametags, and three signs: one listing the Big Sibling/Little Sibling pairings, one listing rooms and roommates for the new students, and one listing the
cabin assignments for next week's move. With everything in place, the picnic was ready to begin.
[OCD is up! This is part one of the picnic, specifically for meeting siblings, roommates, and teachers. The rest of the picnic is happening
here and
here, to try to keep browsers from breaking for as long as possible.
For your extra OCD pleasure:
Big/Little Siblings |
Roommates |
Teachers ]