Alternative Tactics, Wednesday Period One 12/09

Sep 12, 2007 09:46

Today, class was in an actual classroom. Kerrigan was probably going to glare at you if you had a problem with that, though.

"Last week, you all got a taste, not only of the sim, but of the unpredictability of the battlefield. You can't go into dangerous territory, especially not alone, expecting to be safe just because you carry arms - some of you were already aware of that. Now all of you are. Vigilance, teamwork, stealth: these are the qualities you need to acquire.

That's not a matter of theory. The first two, we'll work on throughout this course through practical exercises, because I could stand here talking till I was blue in the face and you'd probably still be rolling your eyes until the bad guys came up and bit you in the butt. The third is what you're getting a small peek at today."

"Stealth is the art of being where no one expects you to be - to be, in whatever capacity, completely invisible. In small numbers, stealth is our greatest ally. The tactical advantages are vast. An ambush, a retreat, all of it requires that we understand stealth - and when to use it. Next week, we'll put this into practice in the sim environment. This week, I'd like to talk to you about the options."

She indicated the large screen beside her. "Technology works," she said, "As you'll see in the video demonstration here. Depending on the level of tech in your time period, there'll be opportunity for personal cloaking, radar shielding, or good old fashioned walls. The most important lesson you can learn up front is to know what you're working with, both in terms of technology and manpower. Kinda obvious, I know, but you don't wanna go rushing into battle with your brain on a platter."

Watching the vids play, she explained personal cloaking, its benefits and drawbacks, and how to use it to quickly and safely take out larger threats while avoiding scanners and watchful infantrymen. "One single, properly trained soldier under a cloak can disable key weapons too dangerous for a visible unit to approach, allowing the regular army to march in and take out everything else. With proper maneuvering, of course. You don't want your G-- stealth units killed because you didn't bother to scout for scanners."

"As you can tell, we'll be working primarily with my era's level of tech during this course, but for your own safety, I'd suggest discussing your own experiences with stealth technology. And keep yourself updated. Scanners, whether it be your eyes or a computer, can do you in every time. These are the basic principles that exist in any century, regardless of technology: if there's a way to avoid it, there's a way to detect it."

"So go on, discuss stuff. You can come to me if you have any particular need for my opinion on your performance last week. You'll be back in the field next week, so enjoy the peace while you can, Lee."

[ wait for the ocd UP!. slightly lame-ish class today so we can storm antiga prime for great justice next week! ]

alternative tactics

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