[Creatures of Nature - 5th Period, 8/06]

Aug 06, 2007 09:10

When the class had filed into the room, D had several tables, each laid out with an egg, each one in a box and swaddled in a blanket for warmth. The room itself, in fact, was overly warm as well, though it didn't seem to bother D any.

"Today we will be looking at dragons," he said. "Or, more correctly, we will be looking at several types of creature which are likely to be called 'dragon', though the name may not be wholly correct in each instance.

"For this exercise, you will split into groups, each with an egg, and then deduce which type of 'dragon' comes out of it." D gestured to where each table had a stack of books on it. "Those will help you to figure it out, as long as you look carefully. Please be very gentle, but know that dragons, even small ones, can bite."

[OOC: Split up into groups of three, if you please. The egg will begin to hatch as soon as someone touches them and each comment will give a clue as to what type it is. OCD is coming up.

ETA: Commuting home now, will respond to tags ASAP upon getting home. HOME NOW.]

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creatures of nature

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