Fandom High Radio, Friday, January 8th

Jan 09, 2010 07:52

Arthur: Good evening, Fandom. It is another round of auditions this term around, and I hope you'll grant me the privilege of reading for you again. The squirrels have told me that since this is my senior year, they've decided on getting me an apprentice.


Well, it was that, or one of them wanted more walnuts, but he can tend to his own needs if that is the case. I am not going to give one of you preferential treatment over the others, squirrel.


Silence. ...You know, there are some missing in your number--


Jak: Hey! Let me go-- Ow!

Arthur: Not the walnuts, then. *pause* Honestly, you new kids get weaker every time. Getting bossed around by squirrels, of all things.

Jak: Hey! ow I can handle myself.

Arthur: Quite.

Jak: And where the hell am I?!

Arthur: Radio studio. You are going to read some notes with me. Now, what is your name?

Jak: I'm not doing that--

Arthur: Yes, you are. Name.

Jak: Jak. Now I'm leaving.

Arthur: Take these notes and we'll see about squirrel-proofing you later.

Jak: But I--

Arthur: Read.


Jak: Right... Uh. Law & Order class met this morning. Yeah, good luck. There was an overview and introductions and yadda yadda coffee, Gwen and Dinah for TA and a whole bunch of teachers met at the end. This is not my style. I'm outta here.

Arthur: Sit down. Business 102 met as well, and discussed the promotions one could get by doing no work. Yes, that's brilliant, encourage the tots to turn into lazy dimwits. Not like we haven't got enough of those in the world. Do keep them coming. Bobby was made teach assistant, possibly for doing no work at all. You. Read.

Jak: Are you always this pushy? Battles That Changed History - yeah, I know a few things about that. They did the same introductions spiel and something about something like Marathon. What? Did they name it after the track? My co-host and this guy Mat scored spots as TAs.

Arthur: Mat got in, did he? We'll see if his mettle holds up. Congratulations. Dan staffed the library this time around. According to this squirrel, he geeked out with the new librarian about books, and this is somehow not just a noteworthy, but a squeal-worthy fact. Honestly. I worry about you, squirrels.

Jak: ...You worry about them?

Arthur: The squirrels and I have an understanding. Professor Cindy left behind a reading list for her class - good, we'll need someone to keep them working to make up for Business class. Professor Ronon opened Study Hall, but beyond Tony and Jonas's presence it was quiet. The teacher's lounge also held a staff meeting. Professor Angel Loki and Professor Paige met and discussed any number of fascinating topics, including the tooth fairy.

Jak: Yeah, you're thrilled, I'm thrilled. Alysha was happy to hear Henry hasn't hit the floor running despite the living library. Huh. Anakin--

Arthur: Master Anakin.

Jak: Yeah, no. Anakin recognized the new professor in town, Paige. They talked.

Arthur: Yes, let's leave out detail. Sterling tactic.

Jak: Hey, you do it your way--

Arthur: Whatever. Reading. Now.

Jak: Hey, this isn't my alphabet. Cindy and Paige talk about being newbies. Remus and Sirius had a fight about something. Scones?

Arthur: Biscuits. Keep going.

Jak: Zoe said hi to everyone and reminded them the administration is out to help. Yeah, I'm sure. Henry said hi. Paige said hi to someone in particular, and then there's something about a student council and Sam wanting more indoors. That's it. Can I go now?

Arthur: Please. That's just one note. Absolutely no stamina at all. Also, you forgot the bit where Professor Steve met up with Professor Tyler to discuss the class roster in his office.


Jak: Uh. Are you sure these are ours--?

Arthur: It's a day. People interact. Get on it.

Jak: Whatever. Kate's doing dancing in the gym. Hannibal figures he can stalk her or something. I don't care. Dru and Dinah turn up to spar. She's got gloves.

Arthur: Wait. That's how I know you! Didn't you--

Jak: Don't start. It's been a tough ride.

Arthur: Just don't start crying about it.

Jak: I won't. Priestly and Kate compare notes on who's normal and who's not. Nice. Dinah talks to Priestly about getting bruised up in Baltimore. ... it says she's fine, right?

Arthur: No tears.

Jak: None. Could you be any more charming? Dinah squees at Kate about her law classes. The bigtime one from back in the school notes?

Arthur: *sigh* On the fifth floor, Bod is consuming some cereal. Didi expresses her pleasure that Bod has yet to flee. That goes to all of our fresh meat: congratulations, you've made it through your first week. Firekeeper discusses the nature of Blind Seer's speech with Didi. Ah, and then the lovely Katina shows up to show her displeasure and talk about... art... things. And then she informs Didi that she's close to 'crapping rainbows', which I am taking to mean she is once again sulking.

Jak: Hey. I like that one.

Arthur: Katina's not your friend. Firekeeper speaks to Bod about the time of morning and why she enjoys it so, although Sookie seems to have some trouble waking up.

The cartoons seem to confound Firekeeper. They're a bit... creepy, aren't they? Seregil and Bod also discuss their strange nature, while Roy and Bod discuss how long it takes to meet everyone around here. I don't know. Doesn't seem that long to me.

Jak: I could do without it. Let me guess. These are mine. Support Services met down in the lobby where Morgana--

Arthur: The lady Morgana. You will be respectful about my father's ward.

Jak: Jackass. Mingling and eating happened, I guess. And meeting. And talking, with Jacob letting the Lady Morgana know she's awesome for giving him cookies.

Arthur: ... Hm.

Jak: If you're waiting for me to ask, I'm not going to. Claire told Francine she wants a baking party. Yeah, okay. My roommate's watching something called a slasher flick on the fourth floor...

Arthur: It's a type of unrealistic movie in which people die. Moving on. Jono tells Ino something about the ridiculousness being the charm, which I highly doubt, although I know ridiculousness can be charming when it's some. I mean, to some. Didi commented on the blood's realism, or rather the lack of its existence, to Ino. Something about feeding it to people, which I would say is a horrible idea. Jenny also sees fit to talk about the blood, but there's decidedly less chatter about putting it in food. Although a good blood pudding wouldn't go amiss... if it was real blood. Jenny also discusses her pleasurable run in London over the past week with Didi. And then the food thing comes up again with Makita, who just feels the Americans make strange foods. You've only been here a week. You've no idea.

Jak: Sounds like someone has some trauma. Makita tries to figure out what the hell 'Disney Princess Jewelberry' is. Jenny says it's some kind of... company thing. Didi comes in swinging telling her it's just sugar. Then Ino namedrops chocolate, and wow, it's all downhill from there. Hayley tries to figure out what a 'balanced breakfast' is. Ask me? Slab of yakkow meat before hitting the town. Didi and Jono snuggle up or something. Whatever. Hayley and Didi crap sunshine at each other. Bobby and Jono play the 'let's give Fandom ideas' game, thanks, guys. Real helpful. Ino and Bobby talk about the movies.

Didi continues to crap sunshine even while bitching about the movies. Got a good one there, Jono. Hayley just wants to know if it's a birthday. Must be all the sunshine.

Arthur: Do try and keep your moping from raining all over the notes. It's undignified. Jaina is training in the salle. I missed it again? Tahiri discusses why she will never drink again. I've heard that one before. Ben and Tahiri chatter a bit, and Ben and Jaina do much the same, about the amount of Jedi in the room. Not a bad spot to train in, I'd say.

Jak: Yeah. We're done?

Arthur: Not nearly.

Jak: Awesome. Leia avoids answering messages in her room. Claire busts in to point out she knows Leia from Ethics, and Leto says hi.

Arthur: I'm sure. Kate shows up to speak to Jason about various difficult topics. Raven and Andy take up the slack from class, as Gunn passes the time in his room. I stopped by to chat about how he's coping. Fairly well so far. I'd like to extend my personal congratulations. Leto shows up and Gunn asks him copious questions. Some of them might even have been answered.

Jak: Nice face. Effy checks in with Alex, who just sold off all his roommate's shit. Nice one. Especially since it turns out Griff's not gone. Classy.

Arthur: Try and keep down the colour commentary. Hurley fidgets with his mouse droid. Something about... decals? Bobby spent his day on the phone, although there was a spot where Jennifer came in to discuss some matters with him.


Jak: Jenny's trying to keep warm down at Pixie Dust. Then she hires some girl called Shelley.

Arthur: Squirrels, put down the rum.

Jak: Chloe cleaned the Android's Dungeon. Chuck came by. And Lily was late. These are pretty random.

Arthur: You've no idea. Mary fought the Book of Faces at the Arms, Cindy came down for an 'upgrade'. Emma took Jack to consider the food at the Chinese restaurant. They aren't bad, I suppose. Lady Ghanima and Dinah trained at Atlas Gym, which is to say Lady Ghanima stuck to her trademark and threw objects at Dinah. You'd better not think that means you can get out of Monday Salle practice, Dinah.

Jak: ... Yeah.

Arthur: Honestly. You don't get to read radio when you're moping. It's pointless.

Jak: Hey, it's not like I want to be here. Liir hit up Book Haven, Price, Arya, Damon and Harper were at work and that's it. I'm done. And outta here. Night.

*door slamming*

Arthur: He'll come 'round. Have a good week, Fandom. I hope you will think of me when the time to vote comes. Don't let the sulking drag you down. And to the new: just leave out a bowl of nuts if you'd like to avoid squirrel attention. It works wonders.


No, you're still not getting any walnuts--


jak, arthur pendragon

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