Fandom Radio for Thursday, 1/07

Jan 08, 2010 01:36

--the hell is-- where-- Clooney? Clooney, boy, where are you?

*sound of distant barking*

All right, where is my dog, and why am I-- where am I?

*hurried chittering* *more hurried chittering* *a small squeak*

And I'm free to go once I read out your paperwork here, is that what you're saying?

*another squeak*

Okay. I'll do it. But next time, just wake me up and ask me, okay? This kind of bull*feedback* is kind of more than I need right now.

*chittering* *papers shuffling* *more paper's shuffling*

Damn, man, I thought this place was quiet.


I'm gonna have to get Reid to come back here if the library has this many people in it this often, man. You've got George here, reading up on law, and then there's some flirting going on with Karla. He follows it up with a little gift exchange between him and Beka and then after that... we're back to justice with some guy named Henry. Come on, man. You can do better than that. Even if some other kid came in for a book.

Apparently, this Henry guy was bored, though, cause after he introduced himself to George, he just plopped into his office to draw. Wish I had that kind of time. You want some of my paperwork? If it wouldn't violate state and federal law, lemme tell you...

In Modeling for Dummies, Deadpool decided --what kind of a name is that anyway? You know what, I'm just gonna keep going-- to have the class make up *feedback* about each other. Cause this is an education. Also, apparently there were no chairs. Now, uh *paper crinkle* I'm not sure if this is that he's stunned-- oh. Apparently, Emmett was 'stunned' by Deadpool's outfit cause it's warm. That's how I'm going to interpret that because it's just better that way.

The class did find out a few completely ficticious things, like how Angela sniffs glue, Hayley is a nun, Emmett is a former child star, and Clark Kent is an alien. ...all right, why are you all staring at me? You wrote it. You also wrote that Hannibal is the TA, which I kind of don't see as news. Just sayin'. That's right up there with 'hey, there was a teacher'.

Wait. There's actually a class about how people suck? Man, don't even get me started. *huff* Anyway, the teacher, this one's name is Loki, he asked the students to label themselves before giving a lecture. Apparently, Karla recorded just how many times the guy swore during his-- okay, seriously? *sigh* And Joan was curious about this as well. More introductions and I'm starting to understand why you guys dragged me in here before I was awake enough to get away.

After class, Kurt asked the professor if he was really an-- well *feedback*. Another angel? This getting to be a thing around here? Cause I'm starting to get a little worried. No offense, Wingman.

Okay! Back to normal. We've got... a class about the Perfect Crime. Okay, Mr. Castle? You and I gotta talk sometime. Whatever, all right, anyway, he started off by talking about how no one'd know if anyone had committed the perfect crime because it would be perfect. I'd just like to take a second to inform you all that there is no such thing as a perfect crime. No matter how you do it, no matter what kind of alibi you have, your crime will identify you and eventually, you will be caught.

*clears throat*

Anyway, he gave a lecture, there were introductions, and Helen and Parker signed up to be TAs.

Around where the teachers were, Remus made notations, Steve had office hours, and so did Drake. He, uh, Drake got a few visitors: Paige came by for dancing and not... vanquishing, Piper liked the music, and Deadpool liked some kind of list Drake left for him. I don't know what was on that list, and I don't want to know because the squirrels are not sharing their booze. Yet.

Anyway, so, Anakin put together a radio for... no reason? but Jaina came by to tell him about her love life. And someone else's love life. Uh, you sure you want to tell that much to a teacher? Seems a little weird to me. Anyway, Raven also came by to tell him how she hit Max. Or Max got hit, not sure if she did it. Kind of vague here. Then Anakin went down to visit his teaching buddy, Alysha and there was weirdness and cake. The cake is a lie. And, last but not least, Paige and Piper went over timelines. I'm hoping for some kind of class activity.


All right. out of school. Down near the dorms, we've got a bake sale going on for the Magic Reserves. Apparently the cookies were kind of iffy: Warren found his shocking, Claire ate one, they made Kurt cough, Mat snagged one, Arthur said "Oh Hell No" and Jack "discovered" them. Someone hide them after all the weird reactions or something?

Apparently, you could talk to the leaders/bakers and one of them looked pretty proud of herself. Don't know why. Don't want to know why. Warren had some kind of death wish and/or sugar craving and asked if he could buy them all. Claire asked for the baker, Leda decided to look at them instead of eat them, and Tony showed up to answer questions for Kurt and a kind of pissed-sounding Arthur.

Merlin was also there and he caught Francine doing something. I can't read this... road to... does that say Hell? Wait, there's-- who is aspiring to be a mass-murderer, Arthur? Okay, this whole mess is confused, but apparently Merlin can't cook for *feedback* and Arthur's got something stuck up his *feedback* about it. Whatever. Just don't eat the cookies if you don't want to, man. Live and let live.


Aside from all the baking, you've got Jen Walters in the 5th floor common room watching a spy show with ice cream. Girl, I'm gonna give you a 'thank you' just for bein' normal.

In her room, Aravis ignored a letter and got a visitor named Ben. Mat tried to poison her, if the earlier stuff was true, since he brought her a cookie from the bake sale. Sweet thought, kid, but taste one first before you offer it to someone else. You can ruin a lot of good moments if you're not careful.

...I'm assuming this was elsewhere, but somewhere, Menolly played her guitar before Jean came by and asked about the lights being out and something called 'firelizards'. Firekeeper, who I'm thinking is a person, came over because of the music and joined the conversation. Mulan skipped the conversation, apparently, but she made sure Menolly knew she didn't mind the music. That's nice of her.


Okay, I think I'm... mostly done? There's no more than this page here, ri--

*shufflerufflepapers* *chittering*


Okay, so, at the MCA, Frasier helped Robin with getting rid of her alcohol. I think he drank it. I don't know, this note is kind of confusing. And apparently UNACCEPTABLE. It's in all caps, man. There's something about smoking and knitting but I can't tell what the hell's going on.

Moving on, Dmitri got to deal with Jessi at the gym before Rose came in to snark at him. And train. They're both on there. Shelley came in in there somewhere, and the two of them, Shelley and Dmitri I mean, decided to get an apartment. Good for you.



No, man, I'm not sneezing. Is that really a name?

*chitter chitter*

All right, fair enough. Anyway, she was throwing paint around at Strokes of Genius. Nathan Algren did inventory at the Wellspring Arms, Jen was at the law offices, and Mulan got a job at the flower shop from Vida. Lindsey tried to convince herself not to leave early, and Tara fell asleep at the Magic Box. This didn't stop a Kennedy from walkin-- which one? Okay, they were flirty so I'm saying John. So yeah, apparently JFK walked in and flirted with someone at the Magic Box before they started talking about vacations and demons and gay bookstores.

Okay, I know that sounds weird? But I'm not even gonna try and say it's not true. This place is crazy.

Elsewhere, Millie put out she was hiring at the Book Haven and Claudia stopped by to ask about it, while Helen played Horse Whisperer at the Gig.

There was another day of casting at the Boards, where Karla, Jack, Kate, Shelley, Sophie, and Robin auditioned for parts. Geoffrey himself was around and he got a visit from Paige and from Sophie. One asked about set building, the other one got all flirty with him.

Hey man, power to you.

If it helps you figure out who, Paige headed over to Tony to ask about sets a little more, while Emma and Jack flirted and Shelley stole a muffin.

Priestly manned the counter at Luke's where Layla came in for a sandwich. Gunther gave Hoshi bitchface for coming back to the hotel, and Leto and Kate discussed Kate's inability to get coffee.

...that required a discussion. Girl, you can't point and hand over the money? Coffee isn't that complicated.

Okay, man, I'm going to start checking your sermons before you start, Castiel, cause I'm thinking everyone knows that demon blood and destroying the world is bad whether you're at Church or not. By the way, how's the cat?

Nonetheless, there were people in the pews apparently. Arthur continued to have a stick up his *feedback* but with Leto this time, but didn't accuse him of becoming a mass murderer, so I guess it's an improvement. Francine actually had a conversation with him and they talked about how many people might actually try and destroy the world.

Didi and Leto exchanged glances, whatever that means. What kind of glances? There's a body stashed under the pew glances? You forgot my birthday glances? Details, squirrels. They're important.

*chitter chitter*

...well, I don't really care, I'm just saying.

Anyway, Castiel was there to chat, only that didn't go so well what with Leto questioning the whole 'tell people how to bring about the apocalypse' thing. The, uh, the kid might have a point there. But he was probably a *feedback* about it because Wingman threatened to smite him.

Hey, whoah, easy on the violence. Even if the apocalypse is imminent.

Moving on to things that are somehow even more disturbing, and trust me, when I say disturbing, I mean disturbing: Jack O'Neill had a sale on sex toys and Claire walked in. It says it was awkward, but I can't really imagine how it wouldn't have been so kind of redundant there, squirrels.

Simon got an empty present from the nurses at the clinic. Chuck and Tino opened up Caritas for the night, with Chuck mostly playing on his laptop while Tino did all the work. Jaina came in to apologize to-- oh, definitely Chuck here, she apologized to Chuck and asked if he planned to go out with Leia again.

Not sure how that's her business, but there aren't any more notes, so I can't tell you. Instead, I am going to go collect my dog and get the hell home.

Good night, good rest, and oh, yeah! Morgan's Hardware is hiring! We've got a nice employee discount. I'd say more, but the squirrels are givin' me looks.

Adios, folks.

[*flops dead* will do casting pings ASAP*]
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