Emergency Announcement, Wednesday Afternoon

Mar 12, 2008 14:10

As soon as she'd finished reading the letters she'd received, Zoe headed straight for the radio station, ignoring the squeaking and chittering of the squirrels as she sat down and turned everything on.

"Good afternoon, this is Principal Washburn. Don't change the station - I need everyone to listen to this. As some of you have noticed, there's been an unexplainable increase in missing persons over the last few days. I want you all to know that a little while ago, I received some letters - from cities all across the globe, dated throughout the early 1900's.

"Something on the island is sending people into the past. From these letters, I don't know what it is, and I don't know how it's working. But the one thing all the letters have in common is that they mention angel statues. They all say that the statues were there when they were taken.

"I want to encourage everyone to exercise caution when going through town. If you spot any of the statues, please stay away from them." Zoe knew full well that request wouldn't work on everyone, but it was worth the shot anyway. "Once we've figured out more about what's going on, I'll let everyone know. But for now, please stay calm and stay safe. Know that those who are missing are all right, and we will figure out a way to get them back. Thank you."

[Aaaand it's now common knowledge that the angels are involved. Go forth and do what Fandom residents do best! One of these days, by god, people will listen to Zoe.]

don't blink, zoe winchester, big damn event

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