Fandom Radio, March 20th

Mar 20, 2007 21:56

Just me and the squirrels today folks, Doc Weasel is finally getting that sex change operation he always wanted. Wait, I should say she always wanted. If it doesn't turn out well, just pretend he's a pretty woman even if he's still the creepy and horrific old man that we all know and are amused by.

He has feelings too.

I think.

School, the learning place

The bestest class in town, Driver's Ed learned about the wonders of road rage by using foam bats on each other. Very healthy that. Home Ec made cupcakes and I am upset to learn that I have received none. They made pretty, dirty, spring, superhero and battle cupcakes and I am no longer sure I want one. Eew, superhero cupcake. River offered Emma her painting talents, which I really hope isn't dirty because Emma is a dirty dirty woman. Dirty.

Computer Science did information broadcasts via radio, TV, and computer. Ami used the "I was in a coma excuse" for missing classes. Personally, I prefer the "I was dead at the time, but it turned out to just be just a Skrull impersonating me" excuse. Marco, on the other hand, is more creative and claims a goat ran him off a cliff. Nice job Marco, who is not Setsuna's butch girlfriend, by the way. Ranma is. The ever adorable Rikku was impressed by Logan's video

Superheroing talked about diabolical plans and then paired up to come up with their own nefarious schemes. If one doesn't involve killing all humans, I'll be very disappointed. Revolutions talked about flirting and lying. Aly! I am very disappointed to not have been invited to this class. I might even cry over it. Manly tears mind you, but tears nonetheless. The class pairs up to lie to each other, which is like flirting without the implied sex. Marco added something new to his excuse and told Aly he missed class because an alien goat tossed him off a cliff with his sick aunt. The sick Aunt makes it so much better. Marie's excuse for Madrox was less fun, something about him being off planet. Probably hanging out with those mulleted intergalactic Summerseseses. Summers-ese. What exactly is the plural on that?

Advanced Tactics played Cylons and Vipers at battle stations, which I think is a spacetastic version of cowboys and Indians.

Alanna claims to have been a statue when she missed class. A for effort Alanna. As does Peter. I think. The notes are confusing as to whether or not he was statue-fied.

John Winchester, like the gun, Dr Wilson, like my last name, and Aziraphale, like the... phale had office hours. Honor Harrington does too, but she get's visited by Pip and Schrodinger. Zoe, who I hope is enjoying her new TV, was in her office as well and got visited by Zero and Alec.

You can all breath easy folks, the office is open.

The bestest club that has the bestest adviser, Young Entrepreneurs met and discussed fundraising. Though, to me, it looked more like playing with a lot of glitter. Alpha Beta Gremlin also met and chatted and then talked about a service project and social activity. BORING. Buy a monkey, that's a social service. For the monkey most likely, but it'd still be fun.

Guess who else met, that's right boys and girls, the Dueling Club! But there wasn't any dueling. They just mingled and went through a maze. Oh and Not!Dr. Strange was there. He needs a completely unPC Chinese manservant.

Sam Winchester, like the gun opened the library and talked to statue girl Alanna about some e-mail about Alec. Was it one of those chain e-mails because I hate those. Maybe I don't want to save puppies or pray for some random people in Oklahoma, ever think about that Sammy? Huh? I didn't think so. After Alanna McStatue, Sam was visited by Luke.

Dorms, the dorming place

Chad hit balls off the roof this afternoon. Too easy Gigante, too easy. He was then joined by Pippi, my red head arch-nemesis, with whom he decided that a baseball team was needed. Annette then joined Chad in the ball hitting, only she was the one getting hit. A better excuse than falling down the stairs onto a doorknob. I would suggest lots of alcohol for that bloody nose, but I am an authority figure-- Yeah, I can't say that without laughing. I'm sorry.

The completely heterosexual Setsuna worked on sword forms in the Salle. Good for you. Then she was joined by John Connor, whom I hope she beat savagely for reasons that have nothing to do with nuns.

In the Fourth floor common room, Blair watched that movie with the 'Dem Apples kid where he's a spy and fights mildly better than a low level henchman. Though I did love the thing with the magazine. Kudos to you Matt, kudos. Broots and his laptop showed up and found out what Blair has been up to while he's been gone, including cuddling with Jack Harkness. And it appears that Broots's little sister wants to transfer to Fandom. To cuddle with Jack Harkness? Billy met Broots, to keep in the theme of B names. Good job Billy. And here's another B name, Bel, Nadia discovers, is linked to Blair but not her. Ooookay. Blair wants to come up with a plan to rehabilitate Alec, but Pip doesn't seem to think either one of them need rehabilitating. Why would they want to rehabilitate my not so little merc buddy and this Alec guy?
Pip and Nadia
want to jam for the final guitar final, but aren't sure whether to check with the professor first. Blair taught Billy how to meditate which is completely useless. No one wants to clear their mind, it's a scary place.

Bridge asked Willow for advice on Xander. One bit of advice from me is to stop calling him Xander because it's stupid. Anything starting with an X is not EXTREME, it's just stupid. Billy was on the phone ordering something. Hopefully a keg because I could use one. Sam and Jack woke up cuddly this morning and I'm not sure if that's two guys or a guy and a girl with a unisex name. Is it Sam with the gun name? A sleepy Lana and Jim have, and I quote, cuddly time. So not my words.

After not breaking Annette's nose, Chad got hugged by nubile Teddy. And speaking of broken noses Dick visits Annette and is, according to the notes all "omg what happened" and then they were adorable. Thanks little squirrels, very concise. Cally, out favorite lesbian, threatens to kill whoever hit Annette. No! You can't kill Annette! And an upset Liz gets a phone call. Was it telemarketers? They always piss me off too Liz.

Town, the towning place

Sokka opened the post office. Why wasn't I invited to Willie Nelson day at Cafe Fina? I love Willie Nelson! Wait no, that's Nelson Saie Kilifa I love.

Millie is still taking suggestions for the new name of the bookstore. What was wrong with Aero- Eerie- the other name? Nonetheless, she hired Tori the stripper and Al, who I'm reasonable sure isn't a stripper. Hulkling opened Sparky Repairs and talked to Fandom's resident lesbian, Cally! Yay for Cally bringing the lesbianism back to radio!

John and Rosette slept in the back of the store.


Well I know what my weekend plans are!

Progressive Numbers was open today. And I have no clue what they do there. Annette rollerbladed in the park. Hopefully before the nose breaking. Giles, who I was not overly excited to meet, damn it, I just happen to enjoy making undue jokes about British stereotypes, was at the Magic Box. I like my Brits like I like my martini's, dry and going down smooth. Wait, that came out wrong. Hey! Another stripper! Ami showed up looking for a job. And then so did with a Willow and her label maker. My bouncy minion Rikku also checked out the shop

Rosette had cupcakes over at the church. Why wasn't I invited? John whose new name is Dickweed stopped by to check on her. And then was shot, the end. the non-abusive Antman's daughter, Cassie opened Turtle & Canary. Jay and Silent Bob are hung out in front of Kwik Stop, where Annette stopped by and was hit on by Jay. Turtle also stopped by and was not impressed by this Jay guy. Did ya kick him like I taught you? Leo dropped by and my notes don't say if he was also hit on, but I'm going to assume he was.

The shop so crazy that even I was confused by it, OrangeShoeSevenAide was openish today. Rikku took pictures, hopefully for blackmail. Annette, the girl who is everywhere at once, tried to buy some hair ribbons. throw a shiny thing at them and take the ribbons, they won't notice. Turtle stopped by to check out the competition, and met the crazy drag queens. Valentine was mistaken for both Zorro and a witch. I only got called the queen of England. No fair. Looking for a shelf in all the wrong places was Hamlet.

Photo Hut was open and so was Hitsuzen, only the later had a visitor. Numero Quatro! I'm trying out new nicknames for him. I like El Quatro-o, myself. Leo and Annette hung out in the cemetery with
'brownies' and cameras. Riiiiight.

Parker stopped by Jarod's house. Meanwhile, over at the clinic this morning, Dr Troy was there, as well as Rory. Then this evening Dr McNinja wasn't there. Or was he? NINJA

Jane is learning a drinking game from Tino, but no one else stops in.
Jane learned a drinking game over at Caritas and Shuichi wipes counters over at the Devil's Nest. You go Cotton Candy, you go.

And that's all the squirrels brought me. So, stay classy Fandom and try not to get turned into a statue or a goat. Or a hippy. Damn hippies.

deadpool and venture

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