Superheroing- Tuesday, March 20- 2nd period

Mar 20, 2007 09:38

The students met in the classroom today thanks to handwavy notification by E-mail. "Sorry about that," Captain Liberty greets them. "Couldn't get the stupid simulation to work. So that'll be next week, and on the plus side, at least you don't have to wear your costumes, right?" It might be clear she's a little bit frustrating about the stupid simulation.

"Every villain has a plan. Usually they're diabolical, or at least they're called diabolical while the superhero's standing there going 'Seriously?' You get used to it," she assures them. "These plans are most likely things like trying to throw down some wrath on a city by using some sort of machine created by some scientist with too much time on his hands, or trying to carve your name into the moon. They don't always make sense, which is why you have to slap the bad guy's hand and say "NO", because people should not suffer from their overblown stupidity.

"Today you're going to pair up again, and each of you will come up with some sort of diabolical plan. Be as creative as possible- the real bad guys will be. The other person will try to find holes in your plan and figure out how to foil you. Then you get to switch off. You know the drill by now."

And while they're working, she'll spend her time stewing about technology.

[So after finally getting class together... AppleWorks crashed and I lost it. I give up. Sorry, guys.]


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