Fandom Radio, Saturday, July 15 2006

Jul 16, 2006 01:07

The tubby one can't talk, to my dismay
He asked me to give you the news today!

Rule the School

Miho holds detention today
Not a time to run and play, I say!

Reform the Dorms!
In Puffin, Flamingo, and Pangolin too
They've all bid their voices adieu!

And that's sad, it really is...not.
I'd laugh and point if it wasn't so damn hot.

In Stickbug, Seahorse, and Koala as well
They're also under the no voice spell!

Squirrel, Meerkat and Three Toed Sloth can't talk and don't know what they're missing!
C'mon, you fool, go ahead and make with the mass kissing!

In the computer lab Nadia is a nerd.
A nerd, I said. Not a turd!

Walter tries to help Nadia be a nerd.
But no nerd to nerd kissing occurred!

Nadia receives bad news
And the bad news is not Cally and her shoes!

Pippi suggests demon monkeys
God, this school if full of hallucinatory junkies!

Jack plays hangman all alone.
I guess, this way, he won't have to give a dog a bone!

Yes, I said it, you can't censor me!
I won't be shut up, I am freeeeeeeee!

Susan meets Jack
Sam joins Jack and together they pick up the hangman slack.

Fight Club in the gym..
Where Bel and Anakin, Pippi and Ivanova, Parker and Alphonse, Nadia and Tyler, and Peter and Sakurazaki all spar and the results could be grim.

Why grim, you say?
Because there's no threesomes in play!

Jack and Cedric can't talk either.
So, they just decided to take a breather.

Cedric heads to the beach
While Xander and Bridgeare sneaky without the power of speech!

Sawyer is mute
River and Tyler return the dorms and their loss of speech is acute.

Zero's sister is having my baby! I mean, a baby!
And Maia's afraid of foosteps, maybe!

Cedric runs into some bad guys!
Tyler sends out fliers and doesn't include fries!

And now I'm hungry and wants lotsa foods!
And Maia's got a but she doesn't have the goods!

There is a sign.
And they flee to the second floor common room, where they shine!

John and Bridge chat
Faithful takes Parker and Alanna to the mat.

River and Bridge do a different kind of talking.
And now, it's not the dirty kind, so quit your squawking!

Sam entertains John, Alanna, Parker and Bridge
You know, I think I'd like to hook up with a fridge.

Rory talks to many peons
Sam, who is a boy, talks to people and it takes eons!

Hey Sam, I heard someone has a crush on you!
Gonna go through with that, you stud through and through!

Veronica is there
Aeryn is too with lillies in her hair!

Xander is cute
Anakin has a braid to boot
And Cameron makes observations astute!

Parker and Jack bring Chinese food
Molly informs Parker of her current mood.

Zero is frantic, Chloe is calm
Parker talks to Anakin but not about lip balm.

Alec is there and he's hot to trot
Demyx brings music and gets down a lot.

There's a Hamlet and a Jaye
And Angela also arrives to play!

Around the Town!

GOB gets a call
The Sin has a ball
The Doctor can't talk and doesn't hit a wall
And Principal Washburn should go to the mall!

Daisy in the Perk
And she isn't meeting some jerk!

Pip and Pippi stop in as well
And it's sad, really, I swear, that they can't even yell.

Walter, Artie and the Doctor are the Perk
And jesus, people, someone do something exciting! Get a tattoo! Go berserk!

Seras opens All and Sundries, which I guess is a store.
I don't know, I don't pay attention, you're all such a bore.

Dawn, Blackadder and Ivanova come by the store.
And my circuits are frying, this is such a damn chore.

Sawyer is there and monkey is too
Seriously people, I think I'd be more excited than this if I had the flu!

Jack and Parker, Rory, Jaye and Angela, Alfred and someone named Hamlet are at the store too
You know what would make this story more exciting? A skull and crossbones tattoo.

Someone called Hermione goes to Empired Records, I proclaim!
And what the hell, Hermione is such a stupid name.

There is a radio show today.
And that hot to trot Principal Washburn goes to talk to Braca without delay!

Seras and Ellie both run into trouble!
Run away, run away you too! On the double!

Cafe Fina and Caritas are both open and quiet
Maybe everybody decided to go on a diet?

It's quiet in the
clinic today
But later on, people come out to play!

There is action on the fifth floor
Where there is lasagna galore!

Pip is there with Marie and Pippi too!
Kaylee talks to Joxer, Marie, Pip and Pippi and these are not out of the blue!

Phoebe is there
Nadia is too because she's not a square!
Walter comes by and he might be livin' on a prayer!

Hey look, there's Al in the room!
Pippi and Marie and no certain doom!
Cally, the girl who likes to zoom zoom zoom.

Setsuna is there, in all her glory!
Fry, who may be French, but that's another story.
And Willow who is not an allegory!

It does to rhyme!
Go to hell, you piece of slime!

Bel is there, silent and scary
Lana is too and she's almost merry!
Peter and Willow are cute and not hairy!
Zack comes by and I bet he's allerg to dairy.

That's all for tonight, you silent dips
For doing all this, I should get a lot of tips!

toasty, hush weekend

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