New York Bar Rules Released

Jan 05, 2007 16:34

Back in September, New York lawyers were discussing the proposed new rules regarding attorney solicitation and advertising - I posted about it here on F_L, and along with other attorneys, I sent in a comment to the Committee.

The rules are now out - you can see the redlined version in PDF format here and read the synopsis here.

They're not as insane as the original proposals would have indicated, and for me personally, the only change I can forsee is that I am going to stop using my normal domain name for law-related email, more as a just-in-case than anything else, although obviously, the impact will vary depending on one's type of practice and business.

I posted some thoughts on the rules on my personal LJ but would love to hear thoughts from the rest of you on the issue - and if you have links to any discussions elsewhere, can you please share? Google's blog-search isn't finding much...

bar rules, new york

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