Clinic Hours - Friday January 13th 2006

Jan 13, 2006 09:39

Taking his time coming up from town, Wilson let Cash off his leash to run around the courtyard the way the puppy was used to playing in the morning. Sipping his coffee, he gave the young dog a half an hour before whistling and calling to him. Unlocking the clinic doors, he set about getting the place open for the day ( Read more... )

chiana, blair sandburg, james wilson, open clinic, gil grissom, alanna trebond, cash

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Comments 64

The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 14:54:29 UTC
Come say hello, snitch coffee, pet the puppy.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 15:21:34 UTC
Blair wandered in, sniffling slightly, carrying the stick with a sock tied to it and a flyer about gremlin rights.

"Um...hi?" He had forgotten that Dr. House had left for the weekend, but maybe this doctor was just as nice. "Do you want a flyer?"


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 15:27:56 UTC
Wilson looked up from where he was playing with Cash and dark eyes softened sympathetically as he took in Blair's flu ridden apperance.

"A flyer? What is it about?" He asked curiously, holding a hand out for the sheet of paper. "And how long have you had the flu?"


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 15:33:05 UTC
Blair handed over the flyer happily. "It's for the gremlins. The man is going to kill them off and it's not even right or anything.Do you want to sign the petition?" Blair shrugged and sniffed. "Dr. House told me yesterday but I was sick the night before that too. Do I look flu-y?" Blair bounced tiredly.


Phone Call From Michigan gotcanewillpoke January 13 2006, 15:03:58 UTC
He called just after 10 am, just to check in and talk to Cash. His mother was doing well, and happy to see him, even though she gave him grief for taking time away from his life and his school.

He didn't have much time to talk, one of the reasons he'd flown out Tursday evening was to be there to go with his mother to her follow up appointment with the cardiologist Friday morning. He cut the call short, assured Cash he missed him already, and hung up.


Re: Phone Call From Michigan dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 15:15:08 UTC
Wilson chuckled as he hung up the phone, looking down at the slight bewildered puppy.

How did Daddy get in that small box???

"I know, it doesn't make much sense does it, Cash? Don't think too much about it. Just remember he loves you and that's all that matters okay?"

As if agreeing with this sentiment, the puppy darted forward and licked vigerously at Wilson's hand, then scampered off to find where he'd left his bouncy ball.


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