Clinic Hours - Friday January 13th 2006

Jan 13, 2006 09:39

Taking his time coming up from town, Wilson let Cash off his leash to run around the courtyard the way the puppy was used to playing in the morning. Sipping his coffee, he gave the young dog a half an hour before whistling and calling to him. Unlocking the clinic doors, he set about getting the place open for the day ( Read more... )

chiana, blair sandburg, james wilson, open clinic, gil grissom, alanna trebond, cash

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The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 14:54:29 UTC
Come say hello, snitch coffee, pet the puppy.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 15:21:34 UTC
Blair wandered in, sniffling slightly, carrying the stick with a sock tied to it and a flyer about gremlin rights.

"Um...hi?" He had forgotten that Dr. House had left for the weekend, but maybe this doctor was just as nice. "Do you want a flyer?"


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 15:27:56 UTC
Wilson looked up from where he was playing with Cash and dark eyes softened sympathetically as he took in Blair's flu ridden apperance.

"A flyer? What is it about?" He asked curiously, holding a hand out for the sheet of paper. "And how long have you had the flu?"


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 15:33:05 UTC
Blair handed over the flyer happily. "It's for the gremlins. The man is going to kill them off and it's not even right or anything.Do you want to sign the petition?" Blair shrugged and sniffed. "Dr. House told me yesterday but I was sick the night before that too. Do I look flu-y?" Blair bounced tiredly.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 15:39:50 UTC
Standing up, with the petition in one hand, Wilson gently pressed the back of his other hand against Blair's forehead.

"You look flu-y...and you feel flu-y. Are you taking anything?" Then with just a breath to break up the two ideas he nodded. "Yes, why not. Gremlins are living creatures too after all, even if they are a pain in my as...backside."


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 15:45:25 UTC
Blair smiled and pulled out the petition and a pen for the doctor to sign.

Blair blushed. "Well, I-uh-" Blair pulled the unopened medicine from his backpack and held it up. "Dr. House gave me these to take."


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 15:53:10 UTC
As Wilson took a moment to sign the petition Cash, hearing a familiar voice came dashing back up towards the reception area, yipping excitedly as he danced around Blair's feet.

"Cash, back." Wilson admonished gentle and the little puppy immediately sat on his heels but he wriggled all over as he looked up at Blair.

Turning to exchange the paper for the pill bottle, Wilson read the label then gave the bottle a quick turn of his wrist, counting the number of pills inside before he glanced at Blair.

"These tend to work better when you actually...take them." He pointed out softly, the question of why Blair hadn't hanging in his tone.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 15:57:53 UTC
Blair smiled and sat down on the floor, opening his arms for Cash.

Looking up, he shrugged. "Man, it's just-just "I've never taken western medicine before and Naomi always told me that it's against nature and totally is bad for your body and you should really only take natural remedies and I did eat soup and drink lots of fluids like Dr. House said and I just sorta, you know, scared about taking them." Blair took a deep breath.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 16:13:19 UTC
Wilson watched as Cash darted eagerly for Blair's chest, crawling up into the youth's lap and giving him eager puppy kisses ( ... )


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 16:23:53 UTC
Blair smiled down at Cash and rubbed his belly happily. He petted him absently as he listened to Dr. Wilson explain just what made him sick.

"Tylenol will help with the dizzy stuff and everything? Because I need to keep protesting today and hang more posters and when I do this," Blair bounced where he was sitting and swayed, holding on carefully to Cash. "I get all woozy."


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 16:33:50 UTC
"Well, I'm going to be honest here Blair. Tylenol will help but you really do need to rest as much as possible. Give your body a chance to fight off the virus." Wilson admonished with a gentle sort of concern.

Cash was in puppy nirvana and his paws kept wrapping around Blair's wrist.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 16:42:08 UTC
Blair tussled gently with Cash while he thought.

"Okay, man. I'll rest." Blair lied shyly, not making eye contact. It was sort of the truth, Blair thought, he would rest tonight, after he had done all he can for the gremlins.

" talking to me and stuff."


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 16:48:48 UTC
Wilson chuckled. He'd been lied to by the best, House...come on.

Looking again at the label to get the young man's name, Wilson stared at the top of his curly head.

"Blair." He said with a soft firmness. "You rest for a couple of days, this all goes away and you're back on your feet by Monday. You wear yourself out, you will extend the length of time you feel crummy and potentially make yourself worse and this becomes a thing that lasts for a couple of weeks. Couple of days, couple of weeks. You're choice. I'll go get you some Tylenol."

Wincing slightly as he pulled old knees back to himself, Wilson pushed up to his feet and walked towards one of the exam rooms, returning a minute later with another bottle.

Cash, in the meantime, was all full of fierce puppy growls as he tussled happilly back with Blair, jumping up at one point and racing around the young man, yipping eagerly, before he jumped back into his lap.


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 16:58:04 UTC
Staring at Dr. Wilson as he left, Blair groaned. So now he not taken the pills that Dr. House had given him, and he had lied to Dr. Wilson.

Giving Cash a hug, Blair stood up to meet Wilson as he came back into the room.

"I'm sorry I lied, man. It wasn't respectful or right and I shouldn't have done it." Blair paused and bit his lip. "I hear what you're saying and I understand, I just- I can't not try, you know? If the gremlins die and I spent all day taking a nap...I just couldn't take it."


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 dr_jwilsonmd January 13 2006, 17:15:29 UTC
Smiling with an understanding sort of ruefulness, Wilson leaned against the counter one hand pushed into the pocket of his labcoat ( ... )


Re: The Waiting Room - Friday 1/13/06 lovechildblair January 13 2006, 17:21:58 UTC
Blair looked down ruefully, when Wilson started talking. He didn't mind lying so much, but not to good people.

Blair smiled gratefully. "Tea? You've got tea? I would love some!" Blair bounced sorta tiredly. "I can try an orange too." He said helpfully, trying to show he wasn't all bad.

A thought crossed his mind. "Sit? I could sit...I could do a sit-in! That's resting, right?"


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