Clinic Hours -Friday November 4 2005

Nov 04, 2005 09:41

Wilson was whistling, and yes he had a damn good reason to be whistling thankyouverymuch, as he set about opening up the Clinic for the day ( Read more... )

sam carter, geoff chaucer, james wilson, gil grissom, sara sidle

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Comments 77

equalsmcsquared November 4 2005, 15:45:14 UTC
*Sara enters the clinic, taking a seat in the waiting room. She intends to remain there until Grissom is out of surgery.*


dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 16:26:07 UTC
Wilson didn't immediately recognize Sara and after a few minutes, he stood up and leaned against the front counter.

"Excuse me? Is there something you need help with?" His tone was kind, more curious then anything.


equalsmcsquared November 4 2005, 16:39:23 UTC
*She shakes her head.* A friend will be having surgery this morning. I wanted to wait. I'm Professor Sidle. *She offers a hand.*


dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 16:41:01 UTC
"Ah." Wilson said, understanding immediately. Reaching he took her hand and gave it a firm shake. "Of course. It will be a little while but you're welcome to wait. Help yourself to some coffee if you wish, it's fresh."


carter_i_am November 4 2005, 16:08:40 UTC
"Morning, Doctor Wilson," Sam waved cheerily as she entered the clinic. The morning was just beautiful, and the walk over in the warm morning sunshine had cheered her. "I"m here to check on the moron. How's he doing?"


dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 16:25:07 UTC
Wilson looked up from where he was reviewing the shipping manifest for a box labeled 'Medical supplies' and smiled.

"He's doing fairly well. Go on back."


carter_i_am November 4 2005, 16:28:53 UTC

With another wave, Sam walked quickly down the hall, and sat down in the chair next to Jack's bed. He seemed to be still sleeping, and his breathing was raspy, but sounded quieter.

She checked her watch. She was supposed to meet Janet for lunch, but she could hang out and wait to see if Jack woke up before then. Besides, as long as he wasn't using it, she could leaf through his astronomy book.


geoff_chaucer November 4 2005, 16:33:15 UTC
Stepping into the clinic and looking around hesitantly, Geoff spots the doctor who had been on call the night before. He walks over and clears his throat.

"Ah, excuse me?"


dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 16:39:53 UTC
Wilson surfaced from the cabinet he was in, hair slightly mused from his burrowings but a ready smile on his face.

"Good morning! What can I do for you?"


geoff_chaucer November 4 2005, 16:43:29 UTC
"Actually, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for the help you gave Ten the other night. Also I think I was a little rude, not introducing myself when I was here, so I thought I'd remedy that as well." He offers his hand. "Geoff Chaucer. I teach here at the school."


dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 16:49:10 UTC
There was a momentary blink and then Wilson's smile widened and he reached to take Chaucer's hand.

"Dr. James Wilson and for the former, I'm just glad he was willing to come here and get treated, as for the latter, I understand how nerve racking it can be when a friend is in hospital, certain social niceties tend to take a back seat. But, Professor Chaucer, I have heard of you and it's a pleasure to have a face to go with the name."


drgrissom November 4 2005, 16:50:41 UTC
Grissom enters the clinic, looking happy as a clam because pre-surgery regulations don't allow patients to eat or drink anything prior to a procedure. Or maybe not, he's pretty grumpy.

He takes a seat, putting a small bag he's brought with him down by his side, flipping through a magazine absent-mindedly and participating in other uncharacteristic, nervous behaviors until his appointment time.


equalsmcsquared November 4 2005, 16:53:55 UTC
*His shoulder is squeezed as Sara moves to sit by him.* Morning.


drgrissom November 4 2005, 16:55:18 UTC
He turns, looking a bit startled. "Good morning."


equalsmcsquared November 4 2005, 16:56:18 UTC
My physics class was happy all they had to do was an experiment. *She is determined to be calm--not cheerful. That would only irritate him.*


Grissom's Surgery -NFB- dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 18:36:03 UTC
Wilson had set up Exam 4 for the surgery and he'd tugged House out of the small apartment to run the anethesia for him.

Carefully taking the time to make sure that everything was prepared he gave the older doctor a quick nod of his head and went out to the waiting room to get Grissom.


Re: Grissom's Surgery -NFB- drgrissom November 4 2005, 19:13:06 UTC
Following Wilson from the waiting room, Grissom is freakishly calm. He has a seat and waits for Wilson's instructions quietly.


Re: Grissom's Surgery -NFB- dr_jwilsonmd November 4 2005, 19:21:23 UTC
A screen had been set up in the room and Wilson held a hospital gown -sorry open back and everything- out to Grissom.

"If you would, please change into this. There is a cabinet behind the screen where you can put your belongings and keep the key."

House was already in a blue surgical gown and Wilson was over by the sink getting similiarly prepared. There were new lights hooked into the ceiling, stronger surgical lights and a full battery of monitors for the surgery.

It was good to have friend's in high places.


Re: Grissom's Surgery -NFB- drgrissom November 4 2005, 19:30:33 UTC
Grissom took the small bag of items he had packed for the weekend and stepped behind the screen.

After a few minutes, and the sound of a locker closing, Grissom came out in his gown, looking at the impressive facilities and giving Wilson a sharp grin.

"So many technological advances, and I still can't get a johnny that's... sufficient," he jokes, although he doesn't seem to be particularly uncomfortable with the situation.


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