Title: My Valentine (sequel to
From My Heart)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character(s)/Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan
Word Count: est. 890
Author Note: Characters aren't mine. As much as I wish it.
Summary: After Teyla learns of who is her secret admirer, she must come to terms with the truth.
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Comments 8
(p.s. I also read the first story and loved the letters!)
Oh, maybe John taking said strapless dress OFF Teyla, yeah that would be better.
Thanks for the sweet story.
So in character and so beautiful, but way too short. Must have more and it must be now.
Aside from that, I'm so sorry for all your troubles and loss. *hugs*
Thank you for this!
arent they just adorable both so hesitant and nervous...But full of hope...loved it and want more of course...
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