Title: From My Heart
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character(s)/Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan
Word Count: est. 850
Author Note: Characters aren't mine. As much as I wish it.
Summary: Double dipping on the prompts. Completing the
fanbingo card prompt, secret admirers; as well as
scifiland challenge #4, love letters
Dear Teyla,
We have known one another for a number of years now and each day that I see you, it just makes me feel more and more. It has been a long time since I felt much of anything, especially for someone else like this, but I felt it necessary to tell you somehow. As I haven't quite figured out how to say these words to your face, on my world, letters such as this is a small way to manage that fear while keeping a safe distance in case feelings are not mutual. Even if you don't feel for me as I do for you, I can accept that. If you wish to talk with me in some way, I ask that you simply leave a note on the rail outside the mess hall under the rock that has a note attached for no one to touch. I simply am not ready to admit who I am to you.
Secret Admirer
Dear Secret Admirer,
I must first share that I am extremely flattered that you feel for me as you do. Emotions are not something that you should be afraid of, and neither would my opinion of whomever you may be.
Since I received your letter, I will admit that I have been trying to think of who you may be and it is truly baffling. I spent the last few days as I considered your offer to respond and observed everyone that I have frequent interactions with.
Would you be willing to share more information as to your identity? Are you on a gate team? Do you come into the gym for any of the training or defense classes? What details that you are comfortable with giving I do appreciate. I wish to know you and who you are so that we can talk, or perhaps get to know one another more. Even be friends or share a meal one day.
Dear Teyla,
How do I give you more information without giving myself away? It's been nearly two weeks since you left your note and as much as I loved to hear that you were indeed interested in eating with me, I will have to say that would have to wait for reasons that you will understand eventually.
Am I on a gate team? Yes, I am. Which one I can't say. If I did, not only will you know, but the other members of my team will find out and while I am just becoming comfortable with the idea of telling you how I feel with these notes and letters. As far as the gym, I am a regular there - as well as all of the military staffed on Atlantis and a number of the science personnel that take your classes.
I have watched you, and sparred with you. The passion in your eyes just makes me want to submit to you and no matter how many times I have tried to fight it, I simply can't. You are such a strong willed woman with a beautiful heart that is more understanding than anyone I had ever met. Both here in the Pegasus Galaxy and on Earth. You are already a loving and supporting friend to me and that is something I am very afraid of losing if or when I do intend to confront you in person. Please be patient and let me come to you when I am ready.
Lost Soul
Dear Teyla,
I am leaving this note for you at your room while I wait in the mess hall for the moral party that the expedition has been planning for awhile now. As much as I didn't want to go to this thing, I figured that after the last few letters I've left you, it would probably be a safe place to see you for the first time after you read this.
As I've said before, it's been a very long time before I felt anything like this for anyone. I had kept my emotions and that part of me bottled up but since the first day we met, it was like you were able to see me and get through any defense I had up around myself. You saw me for me, much as I saw you as someone more than just another face on another planet.
You always greet me with your warm, beautiful smile and it just makes me want to try more, to try harder to be someone or something that I avoided after my previous relationships. I don't know if you have figured out who I am at this point yet, but you will know as I will sign my name to this note. I do hope that we can continue to be friends, even if we cannot be anything more than that, and things don't become uncomfortable. Just so you know, as I'm writing this out, Ronon is here with me laughing and calling me an idiot for waiting so long to say this. In either case, I'll be waiting for you and hopefully not too drunk by your people's ruse wine when you get here.
Scared Silly,