
Apr 04, 2006 20:06

First off, the clubbing went great. I had tons of fun, and danced like crazy, and saw some people I hadn't seen in for-bloody-ever. And the outfit rocked. Thanks for the help, flist. And then I came home and collapsed very quickly. I'm constantly exhausted these days, it's sad.

Then. gabby_silang is coming to visit!!! I almost want to be mixing a few "1"s to ( Read more... )

coup de gueule, my life is so interesting

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Comments 20

thevelvetsun April 4 2006, 12:09:27 UTC
I'm gonna read the big long thing about England after class...I only have 5 minutes now and I don't think that's enough. ;)

But I'm obsessed with Lover I Don't Have To Love as well. It might be my most played song recently.


fan_elune April 4 2006, 12:24:27 UTC
Oh, honey, don't bother. It's just a mass of emo shit that probably won't make much sense to you. Or anyone. Apart from maybe Fred and Joey, who were there for some of it. Mostly I wanted it off my chest.

And god, that song! I've just done the dishes with it on repeat. It's just haunting me each time I hear it. And each time a little bit more. It's so completely brilliant.


thevelvetsun April 4 2006, 15:44:02 UTC
Okay then, I won't. Heh.

He doesn't have the best singing voice, but he's an amazing lyricist.


fan_elune April 5 2006, 05:18:17 UTC
I adore his voice, and the way he sings. Ah. *puts the song on again*


houses7177 April 4 2006, 14:06:45 UTC
once you fall in love with something or somebody you'll never really be completely free of them.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, is it? I don't think so. You'll have that connection forever, something that becomes a part of you, despite the pain. Something worth celebrating when you come right down to it, because it truly is yours.


fan_elune April 4 2006, 14:58:20 UTC
Oh, definitely. That's why I said I cherished missing it all. I count myself fortunate for those attachments I've formed. Nostalgia, in the end, is something very positive, I find.


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fan_elune April 4 2006, 14:58:49 UTC
Heee! Thank you. *snuggles up* *reciprocates*


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fan_elune April 4 2006, 15:18:34 UTC
Ack! *hacks at your "cold" germs with special anti-germ battle-axe of doom or summat* Tardisodes? What? And trailers? I need to get my Who comms back on the friends filter I read, dammit! I'm missing out on all the good stuff!

*wants to be an obsessed not-bunny, for bunnies are evil and possibly super dangerous with their pointy pointy teeth*

*is probably being won over by exhaustion, if the hint of CRAZYYYY that slipped into this comment is any indication* I'll reply to your e-mail tomorrow, doll. When my brain cells are functioning in a more orderly fashion. Ish. Less chaotic, let's say. In the meantime, sleep tight, and have nice David-filled dreams.


thevelvetsun April 4 2006, 19:35:52 UTC
I was also wondering if you'd be interested in beta-ing that fic about Brandon and Tana you gave me the plot bunny for. It's mostly written. I don't know if you're still on tonight, but yeah, whenever. :)


fan_elune April 5 2006, 05:23:43 UTC
Sorry, I was gone. I'm so exhausted these days. I'll try and be online tonight, it's been ages since the boy posted. Sure, I'll be glad to beta-read if you still want me to. Looking forward to it!


madasarabbit April 4 2006, 22:52:14 UTC
I love that song. I heard some chick singer butcher it on The OC and almost stabbed myself to death.


fan_elune April 5 2006, 05:24:48 UTC
I'm even gladder than usual I don't watch the OC. Despite Seth. I'm sorry, I tried once, a while ago. I really didn't enjoy myself. Apart from the Seth bits. Oh how I adore Seth what is he doing in this show? Hmpf.


thevelvetsun April 5 2006, 15:05:42 UTC
Seth rules.

"I sucked so bad. I was like a fish flopping around on dry land. Ryan, I was Nemo, and I just wanted to go home..."


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