Sorry about my rant earlier everyone, I just really have been getting annoyed with the people who have been using DA has a form of bashing/dicreminating others or to whine or post up..not art. :S Really annoying.
Anyways, go go double day post!!
Couple Days ago/ Memorial Day:
Had a good Memorial Day, spent it with my fiance because he had it off, and then we went over to my moms for a Memorial Day BBQ. :) Soon my uncle showed up with his wife and kid, and it was fun. We all watched Cake Boss, my current favorite show, and ate and some drank (I had a couple Mikes, the only almost "alocholic" drink I will drink) and most of all, payed attention to my ADORABLE baby cousin Marella. My favorite part was watching my fiance sit on the floor and play with her, and she absolutely loved him. It was so cute to watch him act like a dad, it made me want our own children again, but of course, I will wait till were older and ready. :) <3 She also loved me, and at one point got so intertested in my computer, that she decided to type for um..ALL OF MY DA WATCHERS WHO MESSAGE ME AND FRIENDS ON IM if you got any weird garble in your messages, thats my cousin saying hi to you. XD
Hanged out with my fiance and we then took off to the small nearby mall and to a GameCrazy to see about getting our old Grand Theft Auto game and my Sims 3 game fixed from scratches that could be keeping both games from playing. They wanted $30 to buffer The Sims 3, but said it was so new and not enough scratches that it should be ok with probably the toothpaste trick. GTA though was only $5, so I let them buffer it and we went off to our favorite frozen yogurt place. This time I had White Chocolate, Teramisu, and Green Tea yogurt mixed with Butterfinger Candy Bar chuncks and rainbow sprinkles....MMMM!! <3 :D We then went back and picked up my game and I payed them, it looked brand new!! You could even see the Playstation 2 Marks on the back of the CD!! All is well, it works now, right? Wrong.
We got home and tried it, and it still gave us the disk error. Thinking it might be the lazer lens, I put a CD cleaner in there while Justin decided to put toothpaste trick on the small scratches the buffer missed..he made it worse..suddenly all the scratched I paid to get rid of where back. So I went and did it again, the right way..fixed some but still. -Sigh- Even after toothpaste and lazer cleaning, it still gave the error. So I looked it up online..apparenty this is common with GTA games..and it's caused by the lazer needing re-adjusting, because Grand Theft Auto is such a compact game that it's overly sensitive to the lazer..So guess who has to take apart their PS2 to clean it out and re-adjust a lazer later people? 8D Haha, wish me good luck on that.
Also, I put a whoole bunch of old cartoons on our instant que, from things like Hey Arnold to Ahh! Real Monsters. Also put on some reality shows, some documentries, and stuff. One of which is Fairy Tale's suppose to be a kid thing, but it said the Director was Tim Burton. O_o So I thought I would give it a try (watching it now, wow it's old, and very weird..Has some famous people in it though, this one is the story of the Frog Prince..Robin Williams is the Frog Prince). XD
One Thing A Day Meme:
Day 11 | A photo of you taken recently
It's small, haha!! My hair is fucked in this picture, usually my long bangs are in the front, I tuck them back behind my hair when I am looking at my comp though. My fiance is spazzing out here, idk why. XD <3 And then theres evil Persephone. So yeah, this was taken Memorial Day at the BBQ at my moms, so this really is the most recent pic of me..even if I do look tired. XD
Day 12 | Whatever tickles your fancy
So in my thing for food shows and movies lately, while searching Netflix a few weeks ago I found a movie called The Ramen Girl, with Brittany Murphey. My fiance and I watched it the other night and I must say I LOVED IT!! It made me really want to go to Japan again and experience it, and experience some real euthentic ramen. It's a small film that I don't think got to much attention, but to those who havn't seen it, look it up or go rent it. It's a really good movie and worth seeing. :) <3
Day 01 | Your favorite song Day 02 | Your favorite movie Day 03 | Your favourite television programme Day 04 | Your favourite book Day 05 | Your favourite quote Day 06 | Whatever tickles your fancy Day 07 | A photo that makes you happy Day 08 | A photo that makes you angry/sad Day 09 | A photo you took Day 10 | A photo of you taken over ten years agoDay 11 | A photo of you taken recently*
Day 12 | Whatever tickles your fancy*
Day 13 | A fictional book
Day 14 | A non-fictional book
Day 15 | A fanfic
Day 16 | A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 | An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 | A talent of yours
Day 20 | A hobby of yours
Day 21 | A recipe
Day 22 | A website
Day 23 | A YouTube video
Day 24 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 | Your day, in great detail
Day 26 | Your week, in great detail
Day 27 | This month, in great detail
Day 28 | This year, in great detail
Day 29 | Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Hope everyone is having a nice and safe night/day. :D