Dinner Night and One Thing A Day Pt. 3. <3 <3

May 23, 2010 17:56

This was suppose to be the post for yesterday, but I got so tired I forgot to do it. XD

So a couple nights ago my friend Ana (Flayrah on DA) and her husband came over for dinner, movies, and games. They where one of the few of my friends to (almost) find our apartment with ease. XD It was much fun and laughing in the end. :)  They enjoyed the Italien dinner my fiance and I made for them (YAY!!) and suprise Blueberry Pie, as well as the sweet Blackberry Wine my fiance picked out. My fiance manage to get home about 9:30pm (my mom gave him a ride), so we talked while watching the movie Laybrinth (because it's awsome) and then we had fun looking up youtube videos on the Wii's internet (DeathNote dubs and Old Greg ftw), all the while my cat, Linus, totally loving the two and going between them for many pettings. I then let the two make little Mii's, which was hilarious. Ana was going to make herself, instead decided to make her friends character Hugo, except made him look like an insane mass murderer (which showed more then anything in the golfing game). Her husband Drew made almost himself, saying he had a pedo mustache in the game, lol. We then went and played many rounds of Wii Bowling and Wii Golf, making many jokes about our Mii's. In the meantime we also talked about dolls, and showed character refrences and surfed around a super slow DA. All went on till about 2am till we all finally got tired.  It was probably one of the most fun times I have ever had with dinner guests, hopefully we can do it again in the future. :) <3
And now for a couple photos below the cut of dinners and a scary ass Hugo (whos name is Ana in the game, lol), as well as the One Thing A Day Meme Pt.3:

The Ministrone Soup I made, turned out ALOT better then I expected (thanks to my mom for some tips on that..and a online recipe too, lol). It was so hot though, probably should of let it cool off longer. :O <3 But at least everyone enjoyed it. :) <3

Saddly, I forgot to take a picture of Justins Pin-Wheels before everyone dug into thoughs. No one could wait, they where all too delicious. XD <3 I'll try to get a picture of them the next time their made. <3 :) I think I let them brown a little (not burn, just get a bit burn), probably because I took the top foil off..Justin didn't tell me till later that you left it on. << >> But they where still so AWSOME!! :D <3 <3 :)

The tasty Blueberry Pie I bought for them as a suprise (yeah, didn't bake it, not that good yet, wouldn't taste as good either. :P XD ), decorated by me. Yes I know the anniversary part is not that readable, LOL. I am not god with iceing sticks yet..rarely used them. @_@ Getting the hang of it though, and they loved it anyways!! Mmm, blueberry pie. <3 <3

Hugo (named Ana in the game, lol)!! This is a character of one of Ana's friends, created into an Mii form by Ana. Looking much like some insane killer (or a really REALLY determined person). I don't think holding a golf club helped his case much here. XD <3 I didn't get a picture of her husbands Mii yet, but I might take a couple snapshots later to send them by request. Thanks Ana, I can't wait to see Hugo pop up in that Mario Kart course now, ready to try and run me over. XD Lol. <3

One Thing A Day:

Day 03 | Your favourite television programme

Oooh, right now it's a tie between Legend of the Seeker, Cake Boss, Bones, and L.A. Ink. I LOVE Legend of the Seeker, that and Bones is my fiances and my shows. Legend of the Seeker as such an interasting plot long and it really has never had a boring episode. :) <3 Bones is good for the more mystery murder side, but I like Seeker more (and I was happy when DA put me on "Team Seeker" during April Fools, lol). Cake Boss is fun to watch becaus I LOVE the cakes he makes and seeing how he makes them, plus I love the comedy between him and his bakerys team and family. :) <3 L.A. Ink is my fix for tattoo art, I love that, plus I love Kat Von D, shes a small idol, and I totally want a tatoo from her. Plus I realized she totally could be a perfect refernece to my character Leighla, who I created waay before I started watching L.A. Ink or really even knew who Kat Von D was. XD <3 Also ironic because my OC Leighla's cousin, my OC Zia, owns and runs his own tattoo/piercing parlor as well. o_o

Day 01 | Your favorite song
Day 02 | Your favorite movie
Day 03 | Your favourite television programme*
Day 04 | Your favourite book
Day 05 | Your favourite quote
Day 06 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 | A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 | A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 | A photo you took
Day 10 | A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 | A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 | A fictional book
Day 14 | A non-fictional book
Day 15 | A fanfic
Day 16 | A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 | An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 | A talent of yours
Day 20 | A hobby of yours
Day 21 | A recipe
Day 22 | A website
Day 23 | A YouTube video
Day 24 | Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 | Your day, in great detail
Day 26 | Your week, in great detail
Day 27 | This month, in great detail
Day 28 | This year, in great detail
Day 29 | Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 | Whatever tickles your fancy

I will be posting again later too, with todays One Thing A Day and a small life update. :) <3
Thanks for reading everyone!!

Hope everyone is having a fun and safe day/night!! :) <3

one thing a day meme, fun times, friends, dinner guests

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