Returning from the Dead (is this too scary?)

Nov 22, 2010 10:45

So it's been...almost a year since my last LJ entry.

I missed you all. Can we catch up?

This post was inspired by sapphire_child one of my oldest LJ friends. She just asked me if I was planning on reviewing the new Harry Potter film anywhere. I've not actually seen 'Deathly Hallows pt1' yet and I wasn't that excited about seeing it until yesterday when lenina20 told me ( Read more... )

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Comments 40

lls_mutant November 22 2010, 12:47:39 UTC
Welcome back!!!! Congrats on finishing your apprenticeship!!!! You'll have to let us know if you publish.

I totally agree that BSG has its strengths, and those strengths are dizzying. That's why I could loathe season 4.5 and still adore the show. ::sigh:: I did watch Caprica- I haven't seen the Final Five episodes yet (long story involving Skiffy scheduling), but it starts out slow and gets really strong. There's a lot of great stuff in it, although the characters are pretty scummy people over all. It's very different from BSG, but I've been enjoying it anyway. And the girls ROCK.

Books- I just started The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I cannot put it down. This is remarkable because I HATE first person, present tense prose, and it's not bothering me in the slightest after the first two pages. It is AWESOME.

Glad to see you back! :)


falafel_musings November 22 2010, 15:55:15 UTC
Thanks! Nice to see you too! I definitely will let everyone know very loudly if I can get a publisher, but it'll all depend on if I can work the bugs out of my submission pack.

Books- I just started The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Yay, another Hunger Games rec! I'll definitely bump that one up my reading list. It sounds like a novel version of 'Battle Royale' to me, but that's not a bad thing.


sapphire_child November 22 2010, 13:43:54 UTC
This post has made me so ridiculously happy, you have no idea! It's so lovely to hear from you again after so long and to know that you're still quietly fandom-ing and that the writers apprenticeship went well (if with a lot of con-crit to sift through :P) and just...well everything! I've missed my Cappy :3 very glad to see you back! (Especially because of my random comment stalking :P)

*squishy hugs*


falafel_musings November 22 2010, 16:00:39 UTC
Thank you so much for inspiring me! Now I promise when I do finally get around to seeing 'Deathly Hallows' I'll write a little review just for you. *squishy hugs back*


sapphire_child November 23 2010, 01:34:55 UTC
You are so very welcome! I look forward to your review :D


elliotsmelliot November 22 2010, 15:04:46 UTC
Welcome back! I've missed you so!

I need to get back into my BSG rewatched. I had to stop after the S1 Starbuck two parter because of work.

I watched the first half of Caprica, but then stopped because it seemed unbearably slow in terms of the build-up to what we know is coming. The premise was interesting, the characters had lots of potential and it was well made. But tI think it would have worked better as a mini-series with a definite ending than an ongoing series.


falafel_musings November 22 2010, 16:07:01 UTC
I watched BSG up until 'Water' and then my DVD player broke! When I finally got it fixed I skipped to the New Caprica eps. So I think my rewatching will be a little more random. I find mid-S1 a little meh, but I really love the S1 finale and first few S2 eps so maybe I'll go for that arc next?

I've missed you too! I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with your entries. I remember you posted about your feminist Lost article getting accepted for publication. Well done!!! I would have thanked you earlier but I was in London when you posted about it and I came home to a backlog of random STUFF.

I'm thinking about doing that 30-Day meme to solidify my return to LJ. I'm not sure I have answers to all the questions though.


elliotsmelliot November 22 2010, 21:31:37 UTC
Are you thinking of the 30 day TV meme? Just go for it. Skip or make up new questions for the ones you don't have answers for.

If I wasn't doing the formal rewatch I would have skipped around too. But watching all of them has reminded me what a solid show is was from the beginning.


anoel November 22 2010, 15:28:11 UTC
Welcome back!

Yeah, Mad Men was much better this year, definitely my favorite season. Glad you like Glee and I loved the vid that I noticed you made for Kurt. Can't wait to see Carole Burnett, I know she wanted to play Michael's mom on The Office but this is even better! I've heard good things about Caprica although I did hear it's slow in the beginning.


falafel_musings November 22 2010, 16:08:45 UTC

Gosh, it's ages since I made that Kurt vid. I want to make a new one now that Kurt actually has a major storyline. Maybe I'll make one in the Xmas break? Can't wait for Carole Burnett week!


janie_tangerine November 22 2010, 16:22:54 UTC
BUT WELCOME BACK! :DDD we missed you too. :D and of course we remember you. ;)

And damn, I really need to watch Mad Men. I feel like I'm the only person in existence who doesn't. Except that before I graduate I won't even manage to catch up with everything else I'm trying to watch. And good luck with both novels. :D

Re book recs, ugh, unless you want criticism on Kant I don't have much to offer since it's almost all I read in the last three months. Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake was probably the best book I've read this year though. Also uhm since you're mentioning Nick Cave, The Death of Bunny Munro was an... interesting read. Or well, if you're a Nick Cave fan you'd probably like it.

And welcome back again! :D


falafel_musings November 22 2010, 22:57:32 UTC
Janie!! *glomps*

I read 'Oryx and Crake' a few years ago on elliots recommending. It is an amazing book. I should try reading one of Nick Cave's novels since I love his music/lyrics so much. I've watched 'The Proposition' which was scripted by Cave. He's a dark dark man.

Yes! Watch Mad Men! You won't regret it.


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