Returning from the Dead (is this too scary?)

Nov 22, 2010 10:45

So it's been...almost a year since my last LJ entry.

I missed you all. Can we catch up?

This post was inspired by sapphire_child one of my oldest LJ friends. She just asked me if I was planning on reviewing the new Harry Potter film anywhere. I've not actually seen 'Deathly Hallows pt1' yet and I wasn't that excited about seeing it until yesterday when lenina20 told me a Nick Cave song featured in it and my expectations suddenly rocketed!

Anyway...sapphs question made me wish that I actually did have an online place just to post little random reviews, thoughts and opinions. And wait, wait! I used to have such a place. My dear old LJ. And then I started thinking about the lovely people that I used to chat to here and remembering how much it could cheer me up when I was feeling flat. I've missed you all. *sniff*

Have I left it too long?  Do you guys even remember me?!

So it's November and I'm doing much less novel writing this month than I've done all year. You brave stubborn souls doing Nano have my respect. I'm just creativitely wiped at the moment. My writer's apprenticeship course finished in October and I'm left with mixed feelings. The gist of my final appraisal was "You've come so far. You've made so much progress. But look! There's still 100 things you're doing wrong!" So I'm still absorbing that. If I can manage to resolve all my lingering problems in December, then I'll try approaching publishers in the New Year. Also I'm going to start writing a brand new novel in January because my sanity levels simply won't accept anything else.

Anyway, enough about me. I need to catch up on my fangirling! What films, books, music, shows, etc, has everyone been enjoying this year? Like I said, I've not seen the new Harry Potter yet and won't until next week so go easy on the spoilers. Oh, I've completely loved Mad Men this year which made me wish I'd been reviewing S4 rather than S3 (which I mostly complained about) in my LJ. Just having the show more focused on the office stories and less focused on dreary marriages made all the difference for me. Glee is still my guilty pleasure show; I'm looking forward to the next episode because Carole Burnett will be on playing Sue Sylvester's mother!  Most ingenius guest casting ever, right? I've also been rewatching BSG recently. Not in an organised way; I ended up jumping right from 33 & Water to Downloaded & the New Caprica eps. Damn. There is nothing like this show. If I've ever complained about BSG's flaws, its achievements are still stunning and remarkable. I'm getting tempted to give Caprica a try. Has anyone been watching it? Is it worth it? Oh why did BSG ever have to end...

Also - books! Anyone got any recs? Since I'm finally taking a breather from writing, I suddenly have lots of time to read again. I finished Before I Die by Jenny Downham last night. I really felt like I was going to die when finishing the last pages of it. That's how much this novel gets under your skin. If you want something sublimely depressing to read over Christmas; get this book!

Okay, enough already. Just to say - I'm back, bitches!  
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