Returning from the Dead (is this too scary?)

Nov 22, 2010 10:45

So it's been...almost a year since my last LJ entry.

I missed you all. Can we catch up?

This post was inspired by sapphire_child one of my oldest LJ friends. She just asked me if I was planning on reviewing the new Harry Potter film anywhere. I've not actually seen 'Deathly Hallows pt1' yet and I wasn't that excited about seeing it until yesterday when lenina20 told me ( Read more... )

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falafel_musings November 22 2010, 12:06:53 UTC
THANKS! *hugs back*

I've put the Caprica volume 1 set on my Xmas wish list. I've heard they are major gay characters in Caprica, which I guess makes up for the failure to explore Felix's sexuality in anything other than some last minute webisodes. I've still not seen 'The Plan' either. *sigh*


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falafel_musings November 22 2010, 12:17:01 UTC
*totally loves you* I was nervous about posting again after so so long an absence but this post makes me feel a lot better about it.

I'm actually more excited about the new novel than getting my current novel to publishers. I just feel like I've been working on the same story for years (and I actually have been!). Just brand new characters and a new story to tell makes me excited to write again. It's been so long!

Thanks for the book rec! I'm in the mood for lighter funnier shows which is weird for me. Did you say you'd started watching 'Modern Family'?

Hope you're slowly recovering from your H/Hr stomach aches and tears. I'm still confused at whether you're really happy or really upset with the new film(!). Either way I'm curious to see what all the fuss is about.


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falafel_musings November 22 2010, 16:11:11 UTC
Grrr. Community is another show that's so hard to get in England. 'The Big Bang Theory' at least screens on E4. Community isn't even available on DVD in region 2 format.


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falafel_musings November 22 2010, 14:37:26 UTC
I had no one to share the love with and I kept thinking about you and whether you were watching it. I thought it was the best damn season of them all, just perfect and it was over all too quickly. *sigh* I wish I'd had more time to geek out over Mad Men S4 too. The fact is August/September were very busy months for both my writing course and at the museum. Also lots of my RL friends are now big MM fans so I've been geeking out loud more so than online. But yes. I think it was probably the best season since S1 and it had so many S1 links! I missed Sal, but pther than that I loved the stories they gave to Peggy, Pete, Joan, Lane, Sally, Glen, etc. 'The Suitcase' was an epic episode. I felt a little ambiguous about the S4 finale, but not to the extent that I was disappointed. How bout you ( ... )


daybreak777 November 22 2010, 12:38:38 UTC
'Course we remember you! Yay, you're back! It's good to see you around!

I think you'd like Caprica. There are boys in there you might find interesting.

And you're rewatching BSG. :-) There are so few Baltar/Gaeta shippers that I'm always glad to welcome one back to the cult fold. :-)



falafel_musings November 22 2010, 14:41:15 UTC
Good to see you too! Not just a fellow BSG fan but a fellow West Wing fan too. I finally finished it, BTW!

There are so few Baltar/Gaeta shippers that I'm always glad to welcome one back to the cult fold. :-)

*sigh* I think that's part of the reason I drifted out of BSG fandom. I couldn't get into the Gaeta/Hoshi thing.


daybreak777 November 23 2010, 13:18:18 UTC
Yay, TWW! I hope you enjoyed it. That was really good TV. :-)


kappamaki33 November 22 2010, 12:44:22 UTC
Hi there!! So good to have you back! :)

You're a Glee fan? That's awesome! safenthecity and I have been squeeing about Glee on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for awhile now. (Also, we've been playing "Where's Waldo" with Darren Criss/Blaine. Hard to believe a few months ago he was "the kid from the Harry Potter musical." He's everywhere now, man!) I'm so excited for Carole Burnett tomorrow!

I'm trying out Caprica right now, too--just a few episodes in. I'll jump on geekbynight's bandwagon and say that so far, Sam and the women are pretty interesting and all the other guys are kinda tools, but yeah. Pacing problems, but it is interesting enough that I'm still Netflixing the next disc.

And go you on the novel writing! That sounds like a lot of work, but if you're gearing up to write a new one, too, that must mean things are going well enough that you still enjoy writing. Definitely a good sign.

Glad to see you again!


falafel_musings November 22 2010, 15:51:05 UTC
You're a Glee fan? That's awesome! safenthecity and I have been squeeing about Glee on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for awhile now. (Also, we've been playing "Where's Waldo" with Darren Criss/Blaine. Hard to believe a few months ago he was "the kid from the Harry Potter musical." He's everywhere now, man!) I'm so excited for Carole Burnett tomorrow!

Yeah, I've been a theatre/musicals geek all my life so Glee is hard to resist. I've watched a little bit of Darren Criss in the very Potter musical. The 'Hermione Can't Draw' song is still stuck in my head. He's a really talented kid. He better be good if they are pairing him up with Chris Colfer.

Yes! Every time I think I've grown to hate writing, I get all Brokeback-y and mutter "I wish I knew how to quit you..."

Thanks! Glad to be back.


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