Change of Season (4/?) R

May 27, 2006 05:32

Disclaimer: Joss owns all.

Raiting: R

Pairing: Joyce/Faith

A/N: This is a Alternate Universe fiction every ones human. Joyce and Faith in a sexual situation. I know it's not fuffy give it a chance anyway you might like it.

Feedback: Yes

Change of Season, Part 4


The air has a crisp feel when they hit the Metro station in downtown Boston. It's one of those days that promised to be very pretty; not too hot but not cold, either.

Faith and Joyce wait at the downtown metro station, looking eagerly for the northbound train that'll carry them to Salem. There is a new thing between them, a shy excitement hallmarking a new level to their feelings for each other. They're like kids; gossiping, giggling at times, hand reaching out for each other. Casual 'accidental' touches that aren't always accidents.

Faith is particularly excited about this weekend. She looks forward to this yearly 'pilgrimage' to Salem for the MusicMADness festival. A lot of local bands, some favorites of hers, play there. Boston T-Party an all girl Hip-hop band she sees at the clubs she frequents is a featured act, and other bands she likes, Bolt Drivers and Snare.

Having Joyce along, sharing this with her , just makes it even sweeter. Added that with any luck, things might go to a new place, has her almost buzzing.

Joyce is excited, too. But her excitement is more nervous nature. She feels like she's playing hooky, and feels a little guilty about it. Guilty, and at the same time, loving it.

Joyce is one of those ' super-moms' that seem to find time to do something for everyone else but themselves. Actually taking off for a weekend, being with someone she wants to be with, doing something just because she wants to do it is somewhat of an adjustment. Why not? I mean, I'm always being mom, or Hank's wife, always doing what they need me to do. Well, now I need me to do this. I deserve this. I do!

Faith, feeling frisky, starts playing an innocent game of grab-ass with Joyce. Joyce, blushing a bit, bats her hand away, but is enjoying the attention the younger woman is lavishing on her. Sometimes, she makes sure she 'misses' Faith's hand, liking the way Faith is eager to touch her. She can't remember the last time someone seemed so eager to do that.

Once in awhile, almost as if cued, they turn and give each other a small kiss. Nothing passionate, they're just friendly soft little kisses showing affection. Sometimes It's just a brief little touch of the lips, sometimes a series of small kisses. Sweet, innocent; like two kids just falling in love. Like they are.

Joyce particularly loves how the younger woman makes her feel. It's been a long time since she's felt this excited about anything. She feels young, younger and more alive than she's felt in a very long time. Standing here with Faith, their hands laced together, she feels free, and naughty, like she's playing hooky. She also knows her feelings are deepening rapidly for this young woman. She never thought in her wildest dreams she would ever feel these kinds of feelings for another woman, especially one so much younger. It's exciting, and at the same time scary.

She covers it well, pretending to be casual, but she's rather conflicted. Should I be doing this? Is it wrong? I know, I know, my marriage to Hank is over. But there's more to consider. My daughters, my life; can that include her? Would she even want that? I mean, this might just be a little tryst, an affair d' coeur, a weekend to spend with someone she wants to sleep with. Gosh, that's something right there. Sleeping with another woman. Oh for god's sake, Joyce, drop the euphemism. You're talking about sex with another woman. Certainly something I hadn't expected. Ok, maybe fantasized once or twice, but you know, just fantasy. Til now.

" Joyce? You ok" Faith looks at her, noting the faraway look. " You look like you're a thousand miles away or something."

" Huh?" Joyce looks at Faith, startled. Then she smiles." Sorry… " She giggles, " Guess I was woolgathering."

Faith, hoping that it was a nice fantasy involving many warm and naughty thoughts, grabs Joyce's hand. They board the train and find a private little compartment in the forward section. Stowing their luggage in an upper compartment, they settle into their seats as the train starts off .

While the train clatters towards Salem, both women grow reflective. A silence descends. One of those comfortable silences you can share with someone you really like.

Faith steals glances of Joyce, as Joyce stares out the window. For Faith, this is something very new, very exciting.

She feels for the first time in her young life, she's falling in love. Truly, deeply and completely.

Scary? Beyond scary. Frankly, I hardly know this woman… yet I feel I've known her forever. Every little bit I learn about her, I like, just making me want to learn more. She's like an exotic jewel. Just when you think you know it, you discover another facet, something new; it shows you a whole new side you hadn't considered before.

Ok, now could I sound any more mushier than that? But this woman is amazing. And she really makes me feel…fuck, I feel like… I feel like she feels like I'm her equal. Not her bitch. Not her boss. Just we are on a par. I dunno. I'm not like long range planner girl. But I so can see us being together in 10 years, 20 years…god I want to spend forever with her. Am I nuts? Oh yeah. About her. Totally.

Joyce stares out the window, not really seeing the scenery. She can see Faith glancing at her occasionally , out of the corner of her eye.

Ok, am I nuts here? Sure, maybe this'll work for now. Maybe. Though we're absolutely different people. But what happens in 10 years, or 20 years? When she's hitting her prime? I'm just some old lady she's stuck with. So not fair. Not to her. This is wrong. I should end it. Before it gets messy.

God, do I want it to get messy though. I can't remember when I've felt so…so… ok, Joyce, just say the word. Horny. What is this girl doing to me. I'm mom, I don't get horny. I don't lust after young girls. That's Hank's thing, right? So what'm I doing here, sitting across from this amazingly beautiful woman, and so wanting to see her naked? Is that wrong? Am I like, bad? God, I just wish I knew. All I know is that it kind of makes me a hypocrite. I get on Hank for lusting after young women, but it's ok when I do it?

God I just don't know! I don't know, and it's driving me…

" Pretty isn't it?" Faith speaks up, needing to get out of her head. She puts her hand on Joyce's knee.

" I'm sorry?" Joyce suddenly feels like Faith read her mind. Pretty? You're gorgeous. Oh my, what's she talking about. Can she see what I’m thinking about? Oh god, I'm so doomed! Does she have any idea what her hand sitting there is doing to me?

" The scenery, out there, " Faith smiles, pointing out the window. " It's pretty."

" Oh, right," Joyce nods, not acknowledging that she wasn't seeing pretty scenery. Not consciously, anyway. That her mind was on a different kind of scenery. God, Joyce, you've graduated to Pervert!

" We used to come this way, my family and me, when we used to go to Cape Ann in summer. We'd spend a couple of weeks there. But this was always my favorite part. I loved the view, the colors, all the stuff. I'd look forward to it all year," Faith gets a nostalgic note in her voice. " Kinda stopped when I turned 15, and came out. My parents? Not at all happy about that. I was sort of ' dis-invited' on the family vacations. At 18, I was dis-invited from the family." Faith tries to keep a light tone to it, but Joyce's keen ears can hear the undertone of sadness. " I guess they didn't like what I am, what I chose to be."

" I like very much what you chose to be," Joyce says, cupping Faith's face with her hands. " I like very much who you are." She leans in a little closer. " You're a very special woman, Faith."

Faith looks into her eyes, and suddenly Joyce finds herself in a serious kiss… and loving it. She feels Faiths' arms wrap around her neck, and her lips caressing and sucking her own. Joyce opens her lips, and lets Faith's tongue slip into her mouth, caressingly teasing her tongue. Joyce, loving the way this girl kisses, start's playing tongue wars with her, seeing whose tongue gets into whose mouth more often. Then the little fires build, and the game shifts, as each just need to taste the other over, and over, and over again.

" Did you mean that?" Faith asks, softly, when the kiss breaks. " That you think I'm special?"

" Absolutely," Joyce says, without a trace of a lie.

" I think you're wonderful, Joyce," Faith says softly, her hands cupping Joyce's face. She begins to kiss Joyce again, and somehow winds up sitting in Joyce's lap as the kiss deepens and heats up. Her hands slip off Joyce's face, down her neck, over her arms, landing on Joyce's sides. Her hands gently caress her sides, getting Joyce's unspoken approval.

She breaks the kiss again, and looks deeply into Joyce's eyes. Then she tilts her head, and leaning over, starts kissing Joyce's neck, soft, wet and decidedly hot little kisses.

Joyce lets out a soft, satisfied sigh, and her hands find their way behind Faith's neck, gently caressing her nape. Encouraged, Faith runs the tip of her tongue along the line of Joyce's neck, to her shoulder.

Joyce feels a waterfall of tingles travel down her body. She gasps slightly, but doesn't pull away. Instead her hands travel down Faith's back, caressing her.

Oh god, Joyce thinks, as Faith's tongue trails down her neck again. I wonder if she's aware of how that's making me just a little crazy? She feels a strong deep low tingle, followed by a definite dampness between her thighs. God, I can't believe how much she's turning me on!

Faith moves her hand up on the outside of Joyce's blouse. When she reaches her breast, she gently cups it and squeezes. Joyce emits a loud gasp.

Faith pulls away, moving her hand away from Joyce's breast.

" Too much?" She asks, " I don't want to rush things, Joyce. Really."

" I'm sorry, it was just a little surprising. It's been a long time since anyone wanted to touch me intimately…" And I'm loving it way too much." I guess I wasn't expecting it, is all."

" Joyce, I just want you to know," Faith cups her face again, and gives her a tiny kiss on the lips, " I'm all about going your speed, understand? I don't want to rush you, or make you feel you have to do something you're not ready for. This weekend is just about spending more time with you. I like being with you. It doesn't have to be anything more, ok?"

" Faith, it's not that I'm like freaked about this. Ok, maybe a tiny bit, because it's all very new to me. But, it's been a long time since I've been intimate with anyone. Hank and I stopped having sex long before the divorce happened. He just frankly lost interest in having sex with me. I've been celibate for quite awhile now. I'm still trying to get back to active mode." Joyce grins ruefully, " I know it's not like you forget how, it's just…" She shrugs a little.

Faith gets it immediately. She leans in, and kisses Joyce behind her ear. Joyce sighs.

"You think you're not sexy, right?" Faith whispers in her ear. She can feel Joyce nod." Believe me, you're sexy."

Faith gently takes Joyce's hand. Holding it, she slides it over her chest.

"What're you doing?" Joyce asks, a little worried note in her voice.

"Proving something," Faith whispers.

She guides Joyce's hand to her left breast, holding it there. She lets Joyce feel her rapidly beating heart.

"My goodness," Joyce says, sounding amazed. Maybe a little pleased. She feels a strong tingle flow through her, increasing her excitement.

"Uh-huh. That's what you're doing to me, sexy," Faith breathes in her ear softly. She gently guides Joyce's hand to her lips, kissing each fingertip lovingly in turn. She smiles, and releases it.

Joyce takes her hand, and a little hesitantly, moves it towards Faith's breast, touching it timidly. Faith smiles, and leans in. " I love that," She whispers, kissing Joyce's ear.

Joyce, emboldened, gently squeezes Faith's breast, which elicits a happy " oooo" noise. She cups it.

"I love that lots, " Faith purrs, " you can do that all day." She arches her back a little, pressing her breast into Joyce's hand. " See, they don't bite." She giggles.

Joyce smiles, feeling a little silly. She gently rubs her thumb over Faith's breast.

"Mmmm" Faith breathes. She starts kissing Joyce's neck. " God, you're so sexy. You're so turning me on."

Joyce gives Faith's breast another little squeeze, then lowers her hand back to her side.

Faith makes some playful whimpering noises.

"I think maybe we should wait until we have some more privacy," Joyce says, feeling a little giddy and a little fearful at the same time.

"You animal, you. Are you trying to seduce me. Mrs. Summers?" Faith giggles.

Joyce blushes prettily, and Faith kisses her warmly on the lips. She slips out of her lap, and moves back to her side of the compartment.

"I'll be good, but it's hard, " She looks down at herself, "Well, they're hard."


"My nipples, " Faith grins.

"You're terrible!" Joyce almost squeals, somewhat pleased.

"You're not," Faith touches Joyce's knee. " You're wonderful and very sexy."

Joyce feels a strong flush of heat pass through her. I'm sexy? She thinks I'm sexy! Joyce couldn't honestly remember when anyone thought she was sexy.

Joyce realizes again that her feelings for this girl are deepening quickly. She pauses for a moment, wondering if this was right. Probably not. Probably very wrong. I probably shouldn't feel this way. Still, she wonders if she could help the way she feels, even if she wanted to?

Probably not.

" Essex Street Station, Salem, in five minutes." A voice comes over the little speaker in their compartment.

"That's us," Faith says, standing up. She grabs their luggage, and they make their way towards the doors.


Joyce looks around, wide eyed and a little confused.

"It's a lot bigger than I figured," She says to Faith as they started down Essex street.

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't really know… I guess like a village…" Joyce shrugs, " You know, a main street, some side streets…"

"Well, things have changed a little since 1692, you know," Faith teases her.

"Yeah, you'd think I'd know that," Joyce says, looking this way and that, taking in the sights.

"What're you talking about?"

" Well, since I've been around since then…"

Faith sighs, and stops. Joyce, who's holding her hand, feels the tug, and stops.

"What?" Joyce asks.

"Why do you do that?" Faith looks a little perturbed.

"Do what?" Joyce asks, really not understanding.

"You make this deal about our age difference, " Faith says, "Yeah, ok you're a little older than me…"

"I have a daughter almost…"


" What?"

"I don't care how old your daughter is. This isn't about her."

"Faith? What's wrong?" Joyce moves closer to Faith. "I'm only kidding around."

"I really wish I could believe that. But I'm thinking this age thing is bothering you," Faith looks at her intently." Is it because I'm so young? Am I like too young?" Faith bites her lip, " do I act like a kid or something…"

" No… well, yes… no… I mean, you're not childish, but you're young Faith, and well, I'm not young… I sometimes think I'm like keeping you from your friends and maybe that's just not right. See what I mean?"

"Don't you like being with me?" Faith can't quite keep the hurt out of her voice.

"Yes, of course I do. But why would you want to hang with me? I mean, c'mon, Faith, I'm like you're mom's age, or close… do you normally hang out with people your parents would know?"

" Joyce, you're not like anyone my parents would know. You're not like anyone I've ever known before. All I know is since I've known you, I've been totally looking forward to time I can spend with you. You're sweet, you have a killer body, you're pretty…" Joyce blushes.

" You know where liars go, Faith."

" You're right, you're not pretty. You're gorgeous, you're funny; you make me feel special. Geeze, you're right. What the hell am I hanging around with someone like you?" Faith chides her gently. "I'm just wondering why you wanna hang with me for. I'm just a dumb ignorant kid from Southie with rude manners and well, I kinda do stupid things, a lot."

"Ok, well, that's just not at all true," Joyce chucks Faith under the chin," Look at me young lady. You're bright, clever, and ambitious. Patty told me what you do at the community center…how you're taking classes to get into college, and I know you're talented, because I've seen your work. You're the gorgeous one Faith… what do you kids call it? Oh yeah, a hottie, right?… yes, definitely a hottie… you've got a lot going for you, Faith, " Joyce says, smiling at her." This last week you've made me feel very special. I can't remember when I've felt so… noticed. Not in a long time. And I'll admit, I love it." Joyce smiles. "I'm just kind of thinking shouldn't you be hanging around with people your own age, Faith? I mean..."

"Joyce, I've hung with people my age. I do it all the time…" She takes Joyce's hands in her own." I want to be with you, Joyce. Is that so hard to believe? I like being with you. When I'm with you I feel good. Really good. I feel like I've never felt before."

No, no, no! This is very wrong. She can't feel like that, I won't let her feel like that!

" Faith, what do you know about me? What are you saying?" Joyce almost sounds panicked. She pulls her hands away. Not knowing what to do with them, she starts twisting them.. " You sound like you're… and you can't do that. You can't."

"Joyce, what is it? What's wrong? " Faith says, worried. She can sense Joyce's panic, but misunderstands it. " I'm not going to hurt you, Joyce, I promise. I'm not going to do anything you don't want…"

Joyce shakes her head. " No, you don't understand. I can't let this happen. I won't let it happen."

" Joyce, you're scaring me now," Faith feels ice settling in her tummy. " The weekend? We can go back to Boston, it's ok. We don't have to be here. We can …"

" We can't happen, Faith. Don’t you get it? We can't happen."

"Joyce, honey, listen to me. I'm not going to make you do anything…"

" I can't… I can't do this right now… I've got to go…" Joyce runs off, losing herself in the crowd.

Leaving Faith holding the bag. Bags. Literally.

" JOYCE! " Faith yells out, starting to run after her. She gets tangled up in the bags she's carrying and trips, nearly bowling over someone. "Sorry, sorry." She says, getting up.

" It's ok, " The man smiles. " Let me help you with those."

He picks up the bags, and hands them to Faith.

" Here we go, " He says, " sure you got those?"

" Yeah, thanks," Faith says, distracted. She's looking for Joyce but can't see her. " Again, really sorry, but I gotta scoot." Faith moves off, trying to find Joyce.

" Well, isn't this interesting?" The mans mutters to himself, watching Faith disappear into the crowd. " Wonder what Mr. Summers will think of this?"

Whistling, he walks away.

Faith finds Joyce sitting on a bench, hunched over, looking at the ground.

" Joyce? Joy?" Faith stands a little away, afraid to come too close. Afraid she'll lose her again.

Joyce looks up, blushes, and looks back down. But she doesn't move, or look like she's going to run. Faith moves over, sitting on the other end of the bench. She sets the bags down.

" Joyce? Did I do something wrong?" Faith asks, " I'm sorry if I did. But could you tell me what I did?"

Joyce chuckles ruefully. She looks up at Faith with sad eyes.

" I'm really scared, Faith… no, not of you, or what you are or anything that might happen, " Joyce adds, forestalling comment. " My life's all messed up right now. Divorce, moving to a new town, my kids , everything is just so out of whack. And I meet you, and darn it, you're just so… you, fresh and clean and you seem all together and it all seems so simple because I like you right away. You're just so genuine. And so sweet. And … I'm starting to feel a lot more about you, and think about you a lot more, and it's scary Faith, " She stops, and licks her lips. " Scary not that you scare me. Scary because I'm thinking… I'm falling for you and I can't let that happen. My life, all the stuff is way tangled enough. Loving you…and worse, leaving you… because I'm going to have to leave, too soon, and then what? And hurting you, thinking I'll hurt you? God, that's worst of all." She wants desperately to move over, take Faith in her arms and kiss her till her lips are raw, and knows that's not going to help. " and you back there… you sound like you're falling for me, and you're going to get hurt and I can't deal with that. I can't deal."

Faith makes the move, sliding over to Joyce on the bench, and putting her arm around her. She leans in, her face close to Joyce's.

" Can't un-ring the bell," Faith gently strokes her neck." I'm way past the falling stage, Joyce. I'm a big girl, Joyce. I knew the risks."

" So now what?" Joyce asks quietly. She wants to cede control. She's treading water, and just can't find the side of the pool.

" Now…" Faith shrugs, standing up. She goes to the bags, " we go and check in. Then we walk around Salem a little, see the sights." She hefts the bags, waiting for Joyce.

" Are you at all worried?"

" Does it help? Does it make it easier?"

Joyce thinks about that. "No," She admits. She stands up.

"Then what's the point?" Faith starts towards the street. " I'm scared to death, Joyce. You can break my heart in a million ways. But I'm not wasting time worrying about it." Faith starts towards the Inn.

Joyce follows after, brow creased.

Who's the grown up here, again?


"Oh, goodness," Joyce looks around the suite." This is fabulous"

Joyce wanders around the large suite at the Salem Inn. She notes the one large king sized bed. She turns to Faith, who smiles.

" One bed? Confident, aren't we?"

" It's very big!" Faith, wanting to avoid another panic attack, flounces down on the bed. " Plenty of room, see? Lots of space there for you, and no worry about me being crammed up next to you… if you don't want me to be," she hops off the bed, coming to Joyce. She circles her waist with an arm. " I've got self control, don't worry."

" Geeze, Faith, I'm just kidding," Joyce laughs, kissing Faith on the cheek." It looks comfy."

" It is, go try it."

Joyce walks over, and lays down on the bed. She sighs, and smiles. " I could get used to this, " She wiggles in a bit. " Mmmm."

" And there's a fireplace," Faith grins," outside a little balcony to sit on in the morning…but you gotta see this…" She grabs Joyce by the hand, dragging her to the bathroom.

She flips on the light, revealing a very large Jacuzzi tub.

" That thing's monstrous," Joyce grins. " You could swim in it…" She looks at Faith, a clear smirk on her face. " I'm sure you have ideas about that tub."

" Me?" Faith points at herself, her expression all innocence.

" Sure, I'm buying that innocent look, " Joyce smirks at her. Still, she walks over to the tub, and touches the edges. " And a Jacuzzi… that'll be nice." Joyce imagines sitting in the tub, soaking under the warm water as the water jets hit her. " Very nice." She flashes on an image of her and a very lovely and naked Faith playing on the tub, and that whole body flush hits her. She giggles.

" What?" Faith, smiling, comes over to her.

" Nothing," Joyce says, embarrassed. She stands and walks out of the bathroom, brushing against Faith as she exits.

" I guess we should change if we're going to this concert of yours," She looks ruefully at her skirt and flats. " I'm thinking mom dress isn't appropriate for this music?"

" Yeah, it's called MusicMADness. I'm thinking, not tea party music," Faith makes a little comical face, looking over Joyce's conservative dress. Joyce blushes.

" I've got jeans and more 'appropriate' wear here," Joyce says, pulling some stuff out of her case." What about you?" She glances at Faith's clothing. " I don't think that'll fit in, do you?". Faith is also somewhat conservatively dressed.

" Don't worry about me," Faith says, moving to her own suitcase. She pulls out a pair of jeans and t-shirt. Throwing them on the bed, she starts to unbutton her blouse.

" I'll just go dress in the bathroom, " Joyce strides quickly to the bathroom, shutting the door.

" Geeze, Joyce," Faith mutters. " not like you've got anything I've never seen before." She shakes her head and chuckles over Joyce's modesty.

Joyce is still feeling the effects of the panic attack she had earlier. Undressing in front of Faith makes her feel a little … nervous. She feels more secure behind a nice solid door. Sighing, she begins to undress.

Not even a little peek, Joyce? So not fair! Faith starts pulling off clothes. Come on, Faith. Be fair. She's still shivery over this afternoon. Give her a break.

Unlike Joyce, Faith is very comfortable in her skin. Naked, she realizes it might be nice to have a cab to take them to Salem common, so she walks over to the phone and makes the call. She stands there, hip thrust out, chatting with the desk clerk.

Joyce looks in the mirror, giving herself an inspection. Not too bad, Joyce. A little older, a few wrinkles. Gosh… look at those. She frowns, staring at her stretch marks. Not so pretty, Joyce. She turns around, trying to check out her bottom. Hmmm… I really should think about starting up with a gym. Getting a little hippy there, Joyce.

" How's it going in there, Joyce?" Faith calls out, walking back to the bed. "Almost finished?"

" Fine…fine," Joyce calls back, " almost done." Joyce rushes her own dressing.

" Hurry up, and we can catch a few sights before we go to the concert," Faith calls back, picking out her clothes.

Faith is just slipping into her panties when Joyce comes out of the bathroom. She smiles at Joyce.

" Nice," She says, giving Joyce the once over.

Joyce, fully dressed in jeans, T-shirt and tan desert boots is confronted by the nearly naked Faith. She blushes hotly.

" Oh g-goodness, " Joyce stammers. " I didn't realize you… sorry… I'll go back in the…" She turns to return to the bathroom.

" Joyce, Joyce, " Faith calls out, going to her. " Hey, it's ok, really." She touches her arm, and smiles reassuringly. I really don't mind you looking at me honey. I'm so hoping you like what you see.

Joyce does, and is very embarrassed by it and by the fact that Faith is standing next to her nearly naked. She feels like she should be wearing a raincoat and offering her candy. Gosh, when did I get to be a pervert?

" Really, Faith, I'll just wait in here until you're dressed…" She turns away, towards the wall.

" Joyce, don't be silly, " Faith pats her, and turns back toward the bed. " We're all girls here. Surely I don't have anything you haven't seen every day." She's enjoying the fact that Joyce is studiously staring at the wall, but occasionally looking at her, blushing furiously and turning away. Faith draws dressing out a little, doing it a bit more sensually and making it seem a little naughty. God, she's so sweet Faith shakes her head.

" You look very nice, Joyce, " Faith says, pulling on her jeans. " Like the look."

" I thought this would work," Joyce says, smiling. She turns to Faith, a little relieved she's almost dressed. She can't help noticing that Faith's jeans are almost molded to her body. God, to be young and have hips like that, Joyce sighs, with a touch of envy.

Faith pulls on a top, a cut-off tee shirt exposing her belly and the belly ring she's wearing.

Gosh, I hope Buffy doesn't get into piercing. I have to admit, it looks sexy on her, though.

" So, ready to go?" Faith asks, noting Joyce's interest in her belly ring. Hmmm… I'm beginning to wonder if she's as shy as she seems. Faith walks over and gets her jacket. She walks over to the door, and saunters out into the hall.

" Sure," Joyce replies, noticing Faith's walk has taken on a little extra bounce. She couldn't have seen me looking at her belly ring, could she? No, that's silly. Grabbing her jacket, she follows Faith out of the room.


They spent the next few hours taking in the sights of Salem.

Faith, having been to Salem a number of times, took the lead, and took Joyce around Salem's common, home to such sites as The Salem Witch Museum, where a number of exhibits depict the incidents of 1692 trials and the changing perceptions of witchcraft; The House of Seven Gables, made famous by Nathaniel Hawthorne in the story : The Witch house, with it's somewhat gloomy aspect, home to John Corwin, one of the magistrates that oversaw the witch trials. The Peabody-Essex Museum, with its variety of local art and collections, and a variety of historical sites fronting the large city square.

Joyce was a little overwhelmed; born and raised in California, where history is measured in decades, seeing century old buildings and history up close and personal was somewhat a new experience. She began to connect to a history that before had only been experience through books and movies.

" So, what do you think?" Faith asks, looking at Joyce.

" I think I'm still trying to process it all, " Joyce admits. "It never seemed as real before."

They're sitting across from the Witch House. The place had a fascination for Joyce, not a pleasant one, however. Hard to think that so many people died because of the hysteria brought on by a bunch of repressive church leaders and greedy, self righteous citizens. And to think one of the leaders of the trials lived there. Joyce shudders.

She feels a hand cover her own, and she looks up to see Faith staring at her with concerned eyes.

" You ok?" Faith asks. " You look a little freaked."

" I'm ok. Just thinking what happened here … seems so stupid now." She looks at Faith. "How could people be so… foolish?"

"You'd be surprised," Faith has a small edge to her voice. " It hasn't changed all that much."

"I'd like to think we've come a long way since then, " Joyce nods at the Witch House.

" I dunno, Joyce," Faith's mouth is a tight line. "People are pretty stupid when it comes to something they don't get." She looks off across the street. "They can still do some hurtful things."

Joyce turns to Faith, seeing the grim line of her mouth, and a tightness around her eyes. She's probably been the target of some pretty hurtful things, Joyce feels an anger at the thought that surprises her. She reaches over, covering Faith's hand.

Faith looks at her, smiling brightly.

" Hey, we better move, pretty lady, if we're gonna make that show." She gets up, and holding onto Joyce's hand, starts off.

" Where?" Joyce, feeling herself being dragged along… and strangely loving it. What's with me? … ,

" Salem Willow's park. Up off Fort avenue, near the ocean. Real pretty, and it has a neat place for the bands," Faith grins. " Ready to rock, baby?" She winks, and turns, pulling Joyce along

Joyce smiles, seeing the pure exuberance of this beautiful girl.

Maybe I am, Faith. Maybe I am.

The place is packed.

Joyce and Faith, after giving their tickets to the collector, walking in through the bandstand gates, to be greeted by a sea of people; a plethora of ages and styles, ranging from old hippies… God, I feel old, Joyce thinks, looking at them… to punks, metal heads, grunge , hip hoppers… in short, just about every style you could imagine. All packed together waiting for the show to start. Over the bandstand was a large banner announcing " MusicMADness East… an Old Fashioned Battle of the Bands"

" Old fashioned?" Joyce sighs. " ok, now I'm ready for my Geritol."

" Aw, c'mon, Joy," Faith leans in, and gives her a squeeze on the ass." You're the hottest girl here."

" Faith!" Joyce blushes, but smiles broadly

They try to push their way through the crowd, making their way forward. But it's like swimming upstream. Finally, figuring they're as close as they're going to get, they try to keep the crush from crushing them.

" So, what's going on, Faith?" Joyce turns to her companion," What's this about a battle of the bands? I haven't been to one of those since High school… back when they were still using stone tablets…"

"You're just never gonna let that go, are ya?" Faith says, teasingly." They have this every year. It's always sponsored by some big record label, looking for new acts. I think this year it’s Elektra. Anyway, the bands compete, and the winner wins a contract. Kinda cool because you get to hear all sorts of shit." She grins wickedly. " You do like Rock and Roll, don’t ya Joy?"

" Oh sure, we played it all the time, " Joyce smiles. "We'd get big old rocks, and go up a hill, and roll them down it…" She deadpans.

" Funny. She made a joke," Faith wrinkles her nose. " Well, I can see the stoners have started up."

Joyce sniffs the air, and smiles. " Yeah. Smells like primo stuff." She grins.

" Joyce! You surprise me, you dawg!" Faith pats her back.

" What, did you guys think you invented pot?"

A pair of heavily ringed hands appear over Faith's face. They're attached to arms with leather cuffs, and those attached to a youngish girl, with blonde hair buzz cut around her ears. She sticks her head on Faith's shoulder and whispers. " Hey, bitch, long time."

" Hey, Rude," Faith grins.

" Aw, ya knew!" The hands disappear and the girl squeezes in next to Faith. "That's no fun!"

" Joyce, want you to meet an old bud of mine. Joyce, this is Rude. Rude, Joyce."

" Rude?" Joyce asks, a little taken aback.

" Her name is actually Ruth, but my girl here hasn't gone by that ever since she went punk on us."

" Punk is life, baby," Rude says.

Rude is a slender blonde, maybe a year or two older than Faith. Her hair, as described, is cut short and punk style… lots of spikes, buzz cut around the head. Both ears have multiple studs, and she has a lip ring on the lower left corner of her mouth, and an eyebrow ring on her right eyebrow. She's wearing lots of dark eye liner and shadow, and has almost black lips and nails.

" Well, it's nice to meet you, er… Rude" Joyce offers her hand.

Rude just looks at it, arches a brow and smirks. " You're kidding, right?"

Faith frowns, but Joyce just shrugs. " Guess I am," She withdraws her hand.

" Nice, Rude, " Faith grumbles, "So, what's up?"

" Just came to see the show, like you," Rude says, giving a glance over of Joyce. " Nice piece. She hot?"

" Wouldn't you like to know? " Faith says, her tone not all that friendly.

" Ah, well, I can see someone's all pissy, " Rude grins. " Still, wouldn't mind sharing…" She gives Joyce a salacious look, and licks her lips.

" Sorry, Rude," Faith moves towards Joyce. " Where's Jan?"

"Around, " Rude says, a little sullenly. " I'm not her bitch."

" Oh?" Faith finger's Rude's collar," seem I remember she gave you this."

" Hey, I'm my own girl."

" Yeah, better not let Jan hear that. She'll boot your ass to the curb…after caning it."

" Puh-lease," Rude waves her hand. " I'm nobody's bitch." She looks around, " anyway, gotta go. Let me know if you change your mind," She ogles Joyce again, " could be fun."

Rude squeeze through the crowd.

"Well, she certainly lives up to her name," Joyce smiles.

" Yeah, she's kinda skanky, but we're kinda old friends….sorta," Faith isn't smiling.

"What was that about the collar?"

" Oh, well. Rude is a submissive. Jan is her Top."

" Huh?"

" Top… boss… her mistress."

" Mistress?" Joyce looks puzzled. " I don't get it."

" Ummm… well, they… geeze, look, Joyce. It's kind of like Jan owns Rude. Jan controls her, Rude's her… I dunno… servant? Jan takes care of her, and on the other hand, Rude makes sure to take care of Jan… get it?"

" I guess…" Joyce really doesn't.

" You remember the whips and handcuffs and stuff we saw at the shop on Delancy street?"

Joyce nods.

" Some people use that stuff, for reals. They get off on it."

" Really?" Joyce looks amazed." People really like that stuff?"

" Some do." Faith shrugs.

" So…" Joyce asks, fascinated. " do you? I mean, are you like a …top?"

" Huh?" Faith looks at her. " No, not my thing." She makes a face.

" Oh, ok," Joyce says. Whew.

The music starts up, and soon everything is forgotten as the concert gets into full swing.

All sorts of music is played: Retro bands, punk, metal, classic, hip hop, new wave, grunge, techno, rap… almost every genre is covered.

Despite the crowding, there's a lot of dancing and moving going on, and Joyce is really getting into it. It's all going very well until the last third of the concert, when the metal thrash bands start up.

Joyce notices some of the people around them start leaping and crashing into each other.

" Faith, what's going on?"

Faith looks around, and gets an ' uh-oh' look on her face.

" Damn. We're in a pit. I didn't even notice," She says, looking around for a way out.

" Pit?"

" Mosh pit. The kids in the pit start slamming. It's a thing." She starts pushing on her neighbors. " Hey, guys, let us through. We don't belong here."

" Slamming?"

At that moment, a dancer slams into Faith, knocking her back into Joyce.

" Hey, watch it! Not part of this!" Faith growls. " You ok?"

" What's this about?"

" Just, these kids get together in circle, and slam dance into each other…" Faith starts pushing to the side. " I didn't know we were in a pit…" She yells out. " HEY. CAN YOU MOVE? WE WANNA GET OUTTA HERE!"

Faith, followed closely by Joyce, tries to push her way out. But they're surrounded by a wall of bodies, and the people around them are slamming, not noticing them.

" HEY!" Joyce yells, feeling herself being lifted.

" WHAT THE…" Faith shouts, also lifted.

Slowly, hand by hand, they're crowd surfed out of the pit, over to the edge of the crowd. They wind up towards the back, on the ground and back on their feet.

" Damn," Faith curses. " Sorry about that, Joyce." She frowns.

Joyce is laughing, however.

" That was neat," She grins at Faith. " ok, a little grabby at times, but still…" she laughs. " I think it was pretty cool."

Faith shakes her head. She expected Joyce to be angry and upset, and here she was laughing, enjoying herself. I'm never gonna figure her out. But I hope I got a long time to try.

" Hey, what say we blow outta here?" Faith says, " Dunno bout you, but I've had enough of crowds today.

" Sure, Faith, whatever you want to do"

Half an hour later finds them walking down by Derby Wharf in Salem harbor.

They walk hand in hand, just enjoying each other's company. Off at sea, the sun is putting on it's own nightly show, sinking into the horizon, the sky painted in hues of red and lavender and pink. The water itself takes on a cast of burnt gold, and everything is signaling the end of another day.

" It's really pretty, isn't it?" Joyce says, looking out over the ocean at the sunset.

" Gorgeous," Faith says, almost with a whispered awe. " I kinda wish I had my paints with me. I'd love to try to paint it."

Joyce turns to her, and sees the fading light reflected off Faith's face. Beautiful, she thinks, looking at the young woman's open awe. So beautiful.

Joyce has a sudden epiphany, feels something click into place within her. Watching face, her lips slightly parted, her face colored by the light of the sunset, she realizes how right it is, being here. How right being with her is. She realizes that she wants more now. Maybe, needs more now.

" Faith?" She says softly.

Faith turns to her, a smile on her face, her eyes lit by the light of the sunset. Joyce feels her heart skip a beat, then start hammering faster.

" Joyce?" Faith asks, seeing her face. " Is everything ok?"

" It's perfect," Joyce says softly. " Can we go somewhere and talk?"

" Sure," Faith's brow creases. She senses now would be a time not to say anything more. Taking Joyce's hand, she leads her down the beach, and to a secluded spot. They sit on an old log, next to each other. Without thinking about it, they're arms go around each other , and they kiss.

" Not much talking getting done," Faith teases Joyce. Her face grows serious as she looks into Joyce's eyes. "What did you wanna talk about?"

" Ummm…" Joyce, getting to this moment, suddenly feels her mouth go dry.

" Would it be easier if we weren't hugging each other?" Faith asks.

" No, that actually makes it easier, the hugging, I mean," Joyce finds her voice. " Look, I've been thinking, a lot. Today especially, but really for awhile. And… uhhh… I really like you, Faith. A lot."

" I was noticing that with my lips," Faith teases her.

Joyce giggles softly, " Look, I'm kinda nervous here, Faith. This is all new to me…" She licks her lips, "thing is, I like you a lot… ok, that's a lie… I think it's more, Faith. Oh dear, this is really, really hard…"

" It's ok, Joyce," Faith feels her heart start to hammer in her chest. She keeps an outward calm." Take your time."

" I've been thinking about you a lot, ok? And I'm… I think I'm there now, Faith."

" Huh?" Faith asks, a little confused." Where?"

" I'm ready, Faith, " Joyce leans in a little, " I want to go to the next level."

Faith feels her heart start hammering very hard in her chest. Her normal cool is blown, just a little.

" R-Really?" She looks into Joyce's eyes, seeing the warmth and affection there. " Are you sure?"

Joyce answers by pulling Faith closer, and kissing her.

This isn't their normal kiss. The fires, that have been banking in both women are stoked by the white hot wind of desire, and the kiss quickly turns very hot, very passionate. Tongues are exchanged, little soft noises and whimpers emit from both of them, and hands start to explore and grope each other.

" Joyce," Faith says low, her voice throaty, almost sultry. That one word speaks volumes of desire and subtext.

" Faith, I want you so much," Joyce breathes, her own body lit by fires she hasn't felt in ages.

They kiss again, their passions lit. Hands slip into new places, the soft noises grow louder, lower.

" Maybe," Faith pants, her whole body tingling wildly, " Maybe we should go… get something to eat?"

" Maybe," Joyce agrees. She's very aware that if this goes on much longer, they'll probably wind up naked on the beach, and while that sounds romantic, it's cold, and being spotted humping like bunnies? Not something she wants. She stands up, holding out her hand for Faith. She notices she's very wet between her thighs, and her knees feel weak. God, I'm so turned on!

They walk away, back towards town, arms around each other's waist.

A man slips out of the shadows, and checking the review screen on his digital camera, smiles. He watches the women walk away, and raises the camera, taking another shot of them.

" I think Mr. Summers will be real pleased with these," He says softly, turning and walking the opposite way.

To be continued.

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