Ready, steady, DEBATE!

Apr 25, 2005 22:34

A friend from undergrad (who I saw this past weekend) and I got into a debate over the question:

To what extent is it possible for human beings to have "casual sex?"By "casual sex," we meant "sex that does not carry significant emotional weight behind it." That's sufficiently vague, so here's an example - while you could have "casual sex" with ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

liminalliz April 26 2005, 03:44:05 UTC
*signs up for having casual sex, omg*

Actually, I know that sex is never casual with me. It's fuckin' black tie.

.... *tries to be helpful* It certainly never works in fic.

...*fails miserably*


faith_delivers April 26 2005, 04:17:32 UTC
Actually, I know that sex is never casual with me. It's fuckin' black tie.

Haha, really? That's an awesome metaphor. Why, though? Unless you don't feel like saying...


liminalliz April 26 2005, 04:19:12 UTC
I'm an emotion black hole. I can't get enough of it.


bleakreality April 26 2005, 05:48:01 UTC
Hm. Maybe. If you repeat an action enough it eventually becomes meaningless. The most beautiful song will grate if played nonstop for hours, a single name or word will become nothing but shapes on a page if you write it a hundred times. In the same way perhaps sex might become nothing special if all one does is pick up someone for the night and leave them forever the next day ( ... )


vientoeste April 26 2005, 22:22:15 UTC
I would think that a person with any sort of emotional capacity would develop something akin to feelings of attachment (perhaps just a sort of vulnerability) to someone with whom he/she shared something as physically revealing and intimate as sex, even if it was just a fling.

I am also very optimistic when it comes to people's emotional capacity. I don't doubt that people are capable of casual sex without emotional ramifications.

I, myself, could never have casual sex. This is because it would not be casual to my emotions and because I would not want such physical intimacy without the emotional connection.

Interesting topic.



wholesomelymid May 5 2005, 03:12:00 UTC
I could never have casual sex. That doesn't mean it's not okay for people to attempt to do so, I just personally can't imagine having sex without dealing with the emotions that come with it. A friend of mine asked for casual sex once and I told him No, I Have My Principles. My priciples have something to do with respecting the sanctity of sex (if you will ;-)) and sharing that connection with someone that I also share other connections with.

This presents an interesting dilemma, though, being a whateverosexual. I'd only want to have sex with someone I really trust, but if I settle down with a girl, then I'd never know what boysex is like, and if I settle down with a boy, I'd never know what girlsex is like.


faith_delivers May 5 2005, 03:36:51 UTC
Your interesting dilemma is, indeed, interesting.

And, as you may have guessed, it is precisely the root from whence this question sprang.

Sprung? Sprang. Goddamn modern English's inability to pull of strong verbs. Old English is just so much better. ;)


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