⊰ Wishes ⊱

Nov 23, 2010 11:13

Wishes System

One of Splendor's main attributes is its eagerness to grant the wishes of the inhabitants. It is a city that thrives off the wants and wishes of others, and will use the power it has to grant what is possible. Sometimes this calls for an entire transformation of the city, but since Splendor has now become accustomed to the new arrivals, it more often is displayed through small and unexpected acts.

Have you ever had a small, fleeting wish for something during the day? Perhaps for something to eat in the middle of a big project, or for an umbrella in the unexpected rain? In Splendor, those things are every day occurrences; as long as it does not affect the well being and safety of others, small wishes and wants are immediately granted in Splendor.

However, Splendor often has quirky or odd ways of interpreting these wishes; if a wish is too vague, the wisher may get an unexpected result. Sometimes the city will interpret wishes more literally than one may hope for, or will interpret them in a much more metaphorical way than one may want. It takes experience and observation to truly understand Splendor's logic in wishes. Even then, you may end up surprised.

Of course, there are limitations to wishes. In a city where violence is frowned upon, no wish that would end in the direct harm or enormous discomfort of others would willingly be granted by the city. However, the city is somewhat naive when it comes to granting wishes, running solely on its want to grant as many as possible. While it will not break the no-violence clause, it may end up providing someone the necessary means to cause destruction or harm. If this happens, it is up to the Locals to ensure nothing goes horribly wrong.

So, what will your character do when all their fleeting material needs are met? Will their priorities change? Will they have a realization about the real value of things? It is, of course, all up to you. Remember, Splendor can't grant you your deepest wish if you're unsure of what it is yourself.

For more player information on wishes, please see the F.A.Q. page!

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