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Comments 24

rubythrone January 18 2008, 04:16:18 UTC

... )


ladybold January 18 2008, 04:45:52 UTC
There was a crowd of onlookers now, but very few daring to go far enough into the room to speak with her. There was no doubt Devin's maniac laughter was the reason few stepped into the room. It was disconcerting, hearing laughter when everyone knew a murder had taken place. Only Fatima had any real idea what caused it.

Miles' question jolted her from her thoughts, visibly startling her. "I-I don't know," she answered, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. Fatima didn't even register the tales in her presence. Truth was, she didn't really care, not when there was a mutilated body only feet away from her. "I just came across the room, I didn't realize that..." she trailed off, gesturing towards the body sprawled out on the bed. "She woke up to this," she added, indicating Devin. "I think she's gone mad."


rubythrone January 18 2008, 05:27:56 UTC
Miles had no ready solution for murder. A slip and fall? Sure. Domestic violence? Possibly. There were ways to deal with those things because they were conceivable. Horrible, but possible - things Miles could imagine happening in one of the rooms, even if he fervently wished that they never would. But a grisly murder in his father's hotel? Yeah. No solution. He got a brief look into the room as he came to a stop, and a hand immediately went to his mouth. No, he wasn't going to throw up, but for a moment his stomach squirmed like a fish flopping on a dry riverbank. Crime scenes on the television were one thing - it was entirely another to view it up-close, and Miles hadn't come from a particularly gruesome Tale. He had little to prepare him ( ... )


unbearded January 18 2008, 15:46:56 UTC
Devin certainly didn't feel like she was going mad - though if that's what everyone wanted to think, then she'd let them. Apart from the inappropriate laughter, pent up stress escaping, she felt perfectly sane. Rational, too. Visually, she searched the room for her belongings - her pants were there, on the floor by the foot of the bed, and her purse was over next to the television.

Presumably, her phone was in there, too. But who was she going to call and what was she going to say? No one she could think of would be of any help right now, and the phone calls could wait until later.

"Anser," she spoke up after a moment, the laughter cut off. "Someone call him for me, yeah?" Maybe a testament to how not-crazy she was at the moment: she could tell there were other Tales. Probably more than one, by the size of the feeling in her stomach. In most other people, the Tale-sense would've been stopped by a different twisty turny feeling in the stomach - the oh god, a dead body feeling - but not Devin.


Aesop's Horse shows up with the other cops! aesops_horse January 19 2008, 03:19:56 UTC
Morgan hated murder scenes ( ... )


Re: Aesop's Horse shows up with the other cops! middle_bear January 19 2008, 15:22:33 UTC
Arriving at a murder scene was never pleasant; no matter how many times Mary did it. In some ways, she was proud that it still bothered her. It meant she was still in touch with her humanity. She made her way through the crowd, showing her badge when she had to, until she came to the room with the body. “Damm.” She muttered under her breath when she the decapitated and mutilated remains. The victim was obviously dead. She leaned in and stared at the wounds, having to bend slightly to get a good look without touching the body or the bed ( ... )


aesops_horse January 19 2008, 23:34:57 UTC
Morgan quickly filled her in on what he'd gleaned from initial statements - who had done what when. He motioned with his eyes towards Devin and Miles and said, so quietly she could only just hear him, "We have a couple of Tales present - Devin being the one who was with the slain girl. And when a homicide occurs with Tales present it's a fair bet there's some manner of supernatural business involved."

He grimaced. He hated that word, hated the complications that Tale life brought. "I suggest that as soon as we leave, someone contact the Librarians."


middle_bear January 20 2008, 02:04:14 UTC
Mary scrawled down several notes as she listened to Morgan, appreciative of getting the facts. Placing the pad and pen back in her pocket, her eyes trailed over to Devin as well. She lifted her hand to her forehead and rubbed it, trying to prevent the headache that all of this could bring. “Wonderful.” She muttered sarcastically.

She took a slow deep breath and looked back to Morgan. This was going to be a real mess, even more than it already was. “I have a feeling they’ll be contacting us.” She murmured.


Devin and the Cops Thread unbearded January 20 2008, 03:46:56 UTC
Since the first uniform had even showed up, Devin had been separated from the other witnesses. She stood by the window, for the most part, arms crossed over her chest and body red, blood caked on her skin. She looked in fairly deep thought - she wavered between the anxiety and stress and fear - shockingly, Devin Kuhl felt fear this time around - and the need to suppress and hide it from everyone else.

Her head was pounding and she felt like she was going to throw up (from the liquor, of course, not the blood or gore) and she really just wanted a fucking drink and a cigarette and a shower.

First, she knew, the police were going to have some questions for her.


Re: Devin and the Cops Thread middle_bear January 26 2008, 13:21:12 UTC
Mary surveyed Devin as she walked over to her. The blood must have been from the victim. And the look on Devin’s face didn’t speak to the emotions one would associate with an innocent person who had just woken up next to a body; she just didn’t seem to be in shock. Of course, looks could be deceiving. She’d have to take her to a separate room, or better yet straight to the police station.

"Devin Kuhl? I’m Detective Ursa." Mary stated, keeping things formal. "Are you injured?" Even though she felt certain that none of the blood was Devin’s - some part of Mary, probably a remnant of her history as mother, felt compelled to make sure she wasn’t physically hurt.


Re: Devin and the Cops Thread unbearded January 27 2008, 20:47:32 UTC
Looking up - Devin had been lost in thought for a little while there, weighing her odds and whether or not she was screwed - she shook her head, somewhat distractedly. "No," her voice was a little bit quieter than normal. "I've got a headache, but," she waved her hand a little bit, dismissively.

"I'm guessing you have some questions for me," she added, shoulders sagging a little bit. She was tired, filthy, and still somewhat confused about what had happened.


Morgan and Miles Thread aesops_horse January 26 2008, 15:06:42 UTC
Morgan approached Miles from behind. Miles had just hung up the phone when Morgan reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir, I'd like to get a statement from you," Morgan said in his cop-voice, Tale-sense tingling.


Re: Morgan and Miles Thread rubythrone January 26 2008, 20:34:35 UTC
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Of course." Miles dropped the phone into his pocket, and turned to face Morgan. He still looked a little shaken, though he tried for a polite smile. Failed, of course - there was a brief twitch of the lips, almost a flinch, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Do you want... here, or -- God, I'm sorry, I'm a mess. What would you like to know?"

It was a stupid question, and Miles knew it. He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling as soon as the words had left his mouth, and briefly raked his right hand across his eyes. Great.

That's about when he noticed the fluttering of Tale-sense in the pit of his stomach. It had been easy to overlook, with all the frazzled nerves and other Tales wandering around. Miles blinked.


Re: Morgan and Miles Thread aesops_horse January 26 2008, 20:45:37 UTC
"Let's go in here," Morgan said, steering Miles gently by the shoulder into an empty room.

He pulled up a chair and gestured for Miles to sit as well. The difference between this room and the grotesque scene before, with the same layout and furniture - down to the pattern on the comforter - was jarring. He pushed that aside and concentrated on the task at hand.

"I'm Officer Morgan Stoddard," he started, "though you would also know me as Aesop's Horse." He set the pad of paper aside for the moment. "I'd like to get two statements from you - one official, for the police record, and the other unofficial, so that Detective Ursa and I will be able to work with the Librarians to keep any Tale problems out of the public eye." He paused a moment, measuring Miles with his eyes. "Are you prepared to do that?"


Re: Morgan and Miles Thread rubythrone January 26 2008, 21:06:03 UTC

... )


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