"Fever Dream"

May 09, 2010 02:49

Title: Fever Dream
Pairing: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language, explicit sex, tense situations
Kink Request: "Sulu and Chekov trapped in a cave/abandoned building/whatever in the freezing cold with only one blanket to share." Sometimes, though, blanket scenarios aren't exactly what they seem.
Note: This one is entirely for rubynye, whose ( Read more... )

sexxx, chekov/sulu, star trek reboot

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Comments 66

racheldeet May 9 2010, 08:16:09 UTC
Oh my goodness.

This just made my terrible night so much better. ♥


fairhearing May 11 2010, 05:48:34 UTC
Aw, gee, that's like the best thing to hear. Thank you ;_;


carolina30363 May 9 2010, 08:34:05 UTC
Amazing, touching and beautiful


fairhearing May 11 2010, 05:48:58 UTC
Thank you so much!


tallycola May 9 2010, 09:29:12 UTC
OH I liked this! I'm really glad you posted it even after all this time lol. And I liked the little touches of science in it?


fairhearing May 11 2010, 05:51:11 UTC
omg yes, this was back in my early days in XI fandom and my inner 12-year-old hyperexcited TNG sci-fi fangirl was shining particularly strong. I do still have a soft spot for cool gadgets and technobabble, I cannot tell a lie.


rubynye May 9 2010, 12:48:45 UTC

I REMEMBER THIS! I remember how much I loved this, how impressed I was, how awesome they all were, Chekov's brilliance and Sulu's heroism and desperation and love, how beautifully tactile it was. I think I dreamed about this story once.

And now I am blushing very, very much. Oh, my goodness, eee. I'm really glad my encouragement helped you finish this awesome story (even in such an itchy way *blusshes more*)


fairhearing May 11 2010, 05:55:44 UTC
AHHHH YOU, YOUUUUU. My original A/N went on for a REALLY long time, until I realized it was going to be longer than the actual story if I didn't rein it in, but basically the support and enthusiasm you showed for... MY FIRST NC-17 story EVER... even though I was some random anon on a kink meme, guilted me in the best way into keeping this in the WIP pile. I think it was the first comment I had ever gotten from you, and later when we became friends I would often think like "GOTTA FINISH THAT THING FOR THE NYESS."

So thank you so much for the itchiness and the wonderful comments ;____;


secretsolitaire May 9 2010, 14:42:17 UTC
Mmmmm, this is just gorgeous.


fairhearing May 11 2010, 06:24:23 UTC
Thank you so much ♥


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