"Fever Dream"

May 09, 2010 02:49

Title: Fever Dream
Pairing: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language, explicit sex, tense situations
Kink Request: "Sulu and Chekov trapped in a cave/abandoned building/whatever in the freezing cold with only one blanket to share." Sometimes, though, blanket scenarios aren't exactly what they seem.
Note: This one is entirely for rubynye, whose ( Read more... )

sexxx, chekov/sulu, star trek reboot

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Comments 66

ljismahname May 9 2010, 14:44:10 UTC
Oh! What a lovely thing to wake up to!
I love this so, so much.

"That's right, come on." Whispering it still, panting and breathing warm against Pavel's cheek, his temple. "Come on, baby, come on, baby, please."
Favorite line. Sweet lord, him calling Pavel 'baby' totally breaks my brain.

Just so much love it makes my heart hurt. In a good way of course.


fairhearing May 11 2010, 06:26:41 UTC
Ahh thank you! This was actually before I had read too much Sulu/Chekov stuff, and I was like "GASP. What if Sulu calls Chekov... 'baby??" like it was an epiphany.

Of course by this point everyone recognizes the incredible sweet hotness of him saying it, but at least my heart was in the right place, haha.


paytofay May 9 2010, 15:00:18 UTC
Girl this is soooooooo good. I just adore it, the hints of what's happening to Chekov even in the beginning, and Sulu's panic ;____; HOW EXCITED CHEKOV IS to see Sulu, ahh footy pajamas! everything's so lovely, gorgeous, flawless, <333


fairhearing May 11 2010, 06:29:59 UTC
Thank you so much! I think the feet-PJs exchange was actually the first dialogue I imagined, and I did not realize how much I would love the idea ;__;


kawasakininja May 9 2010, 15:28:16 UTC
This feels too short, because how can you get enough of these two the way they were here :) This was lovely, touching, sweet. I enjoyed your execution of the idea, nothing beats good old skin to skin warming up, and this felt very fresh and hot. I loved the whole emotional confusion, Sulu calling Chekov 'baby', completely unconsciously (it seemed) at first and making him work for little kisses, guh! I also liked Sulu's lines "Fuck," he declared. "Fuck, that was cold. Whew. Okay." I don't know why, just that they were simple and I could hear him saying something like that. Not leaving the moment Pavel got upset was the best thing he did, surprised me pleasantly. Good ending, full circle.


fairhearing May 11 2010, 23:34:35 UTC
Ahhh long comment long comment! ♥ Yeah, I completely wanted Sulu's words there to seem totally unconscious and almost involuntary, so it's great to hear you got that impression. Thanks for reading!


hollycomb May 9 2010, 15:49:49 UTC
I love how emotional Sulu got when Chekov was in peril -- everything about that felt so REAL and urgent, his reactions and determination and fear. ;__; And I have a big kink for hypothermia forcing two characters to get naked together, cuddling to stay out of the cold, AND sharing sleeping bags, lol, so that was pretty much the hottest sex ever when Chekov was just rubbing himself on Sulu and then they both come all quietly asdgjdsfoidsj

I love Chekov's voice in the second half, I felt like I had missed him or something when he was talking again, aww, and the way they both have moments of understanding that together they can light up any darkness. <3 <3


fairhearing May 11 2010, 23:37:59 UTC
lol yes, I was so excited with my EPIPHANY for the prompt -- "WHAT IF THEY'RE SHARING A SLEEPING BAG BECAUSE OF HYPOTHERMY-THERM???" and I was so proud of my "original idea" -__- But whatever, classic scenarios are classics for a reason, damn it!

Yes, I... also like the idea of Chekov rubbing and the muffledness >__> Ahem


husbife May 9 2010, 16:12:56 UTC
Auhg, this is amazing. :D
There are a lot of little moments in this where I thought 'oh, that's clever'!And oh so sweet. :)
Great chemistry


fairhearing May 11 2010, 23:40:05 UTC
Thanks so much -- they have such fabulous chemistry as characters, I think it's the biggest reason why I'm addicted to the pairing rn.


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