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I got very much that feeling from fandom as a whole throughout 2009-2010, when the "fail once and you're the center of the next dogpile" thing was at it's height, though in retrospect some of it was the fact that I needed to be on medication and wasn't (when I forget to take it for a couple of days or run out, the 'everyone is against me just waiting for me to slip up' paranoia/fear comes back, at work as well as in fandom). My guess would be that, being a fannish volunteer org, fandom social/interpersonal issues are making what would be problems in any new and not-as-well-organized-as-it-could-be volunteer organization a lot worse.
Striving to do somewhat better than The Average Asshole Next Door/Fucked-Up Organization is great. But expecting something as draining as near-perfection at Doing Somewhat Better from not just ourselves but each other a lot of the time may not always help.
Ditto the not-always-helpfulness of as a group being composed, to a large extent, of people with a tendency to perhaps overfocus of the metanarrative around what's going on instead of more often ignoring the meta and Just Doing Shit that will either turn out to be useful or not but is probably worth doing for the experience.
I am tempted and like the idea of volunteering for them in theory, but I'm not the brightest/fastest of fandommers, and ESL to top it off. One miscommunication and I'm branded as a do-not-engage forever? I'd rather lurk than risk the headache.
I never felt the weight of 'disagree once and you're out forever,' but I rarely participated in any of the org-wide chats and we as a committee were definitely isolated from most of the org-wide discussions (that fell to leadership/renay), so I wouldn't have.
There were certainly times when I felt unreasonably frustrated and unheard. I definitely felt like anything beyond Western media fandom was an afterthought and sometimes an inconvenience to The Powers That Be.
I found it illuminating that some people hung out in wrangling because they felt it was less stressful and less political than other parts of the organization. Because if my level of frustration in tag wrangling was enough to make me quit in a huff and make me feel worse about the AO3...well. That's a bit not good. And I left before the most recent term that they're talking about.
Yes. And probably also realizing that if she couldn't give the volunteer-level wranglers better tools, or an opportunity to be listened to, or more support and help, or even more respect, she could at least provide thanks and enthusiasm and cheerleading herself. Which I actually do appreciate, especially if she was trying to provide that while feeling rotten herself.
It's just she couldn't keep us all going singlehandedly, if she wasn't getting support herself.
Yes, pretty much everything she said, except for the one-strike-you're-out environment - the tag wranglers themselves seem to be more the fanatical librarians than the social shamers. Renay herself is very supportive to the wranglers, but sometimes she had to break the news about some stupid thing (like last year's Yuletide tagging debacle/horror) and keep everyone going even though it was pretty obvious she didn't think it was a good idea either. And she's great at taking our concerns elsewhere, but then nothing ever happens. We've been asking for a tagging FAQ since AO3 began (NOT opening the wiki, Naomi Novik!)
What happened? I'm a Yuletide participant and not a wrangler, but I'd gotten the impression from public statements that Yuletide and AO3 were not affiliated.
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