Finally, HBP review...

Jul 25, 2009 14:17

I'm sorry cookiescene, I didn't do the film review yesterday:(
Yesterday, I went to the book fair nearly the whole day, that's why I couldn't do the review. But it was worthy, because the book fair is really awesome♥
I bought many books and really, I was jubilant, though I couldn't buy/find some books that I decided to buy:(
I took some photos yesterday, I'll show them to you later, but now, film review!

Harry Potter and The Half-blood Prince FILM REVIEW

Just like what I said before, I'm disappointed at HP6. It's not really bad, but it's just not good enough, not what I expected before. So I'm going to talk about the pro and con seperately.

GOOD:(Even I said I'm disappointed at, I can still list a bunchLOL)
1. Everyone's acting skill is improved. Especially Emma, Rupert and Tom.
2. Snape and Bella are totally awesome. They really act well! I'm most satisfied with them both♥
3. 'Dumbledore and Harry in the cave' part is amazing. I love when Dumbledore stand at the top and control the fire, that scene is fasinating!
4. I forgot the girl's name who play Lavender, but she plays the role well. Even though I hate her.
5. The scene where Ron was poisoned is just hilarious. I'm sorry Ron, but you're really funnyLOL I love they added the scene that Ron HUGGED Horace Slughorn, it enhances the effect of Ron was poisoned by the love potion.
6. Aha, again Ron's part. I absolutely love his line:Believe me, I've asked that question myself six years.(I'm not sure the sentence is the same, but the meaning is same.)
7. Harry and Ron fought for the new potion book is just hilarious.
8. I love Hermione's curly hair when the the potion class was ended. It suits WELL. Hermione looks gorgeous.
9. The scene that Harry comforted Hermione!!! PLAIN LOVE♥♥♥
10. They did a good job on choosing the kid as Riddle. I love that kid, he totally acts out Riddle's hatred and firece.
11. Totally in love with Hermione's drunk scene♥
12. Ginny's kissing with the boy(I can't really remember his name, Dean?) is great. STAYING AWAY FROM HARRY IS JUST GREAT.
13. Remember after Ron saw Ginny's kissing and Hermione said to him, what he responsed? 'Did she just say she snog with me?'(something like that, I don't remember the exact words, ok?) Yes Ron, she DID say that.LOL
14. Haha, Dumbledore thinks Harry and Hermione should be together too!LMAO I love how he asked, he's humourous!
15. The computer effects are just BRILLIANT. Good job everyone who helped with the effects!
16. I love the atmosphere of the fighting between Malfoy and Harry, though the toilet shouldn't be full of water on the floor! Snape healed Malfoy scene is awesome♥ The whole atmosphere is brilliant!!
17. The opening, Dumbledore leaded Harry walked through the cameras and reporters, is really really an awesome opening. I was happy about that and thought the film will be great when I saw it, but then...

1. TOO MUCH H/HR SCENES. I love H/HR pairing, and I know many people love it too. But PLEASE, this shouldn't happen too frequent! Ron is even missed at the beginning of the last tower scene! They just focus on H/HR talking. Come on, They're GOLDEN TRIO. THEY'RE ALWAYS TOGETHER, especially AT LAST!
2. Ginny! Harry and Ginny! Hate this! They add so much unnecessary scenes between them(ok, actually they add so much useless scenes in the whole film)! Ginny helped Harry to tie his shoes? She fed him cake? WHAT!!?? You have Dean already, leave him alone!
3. As I said, too many unnecessary scenes. Like the Death Eaters burnt Ron's house. What's the use for this scene? STUPID. And I totally hate Ginny rushed towards Harry, trying to help him. Hey, what's the use of Ginny rushing to Harry? She's just giving more trouble to Harry, not helping him.
4. I think Daniel is more like himself than Harry in this film, the Harry feeling is weaker.
5. Harry's flirting with the girl is bad, very very bad. I guess it's the worst part of the film. Why don't they just stick to the book and set the opening at Dursley's house?
6. Horace Slughorn is too tall and thin(well, slightly)OTL I imagined him as a really fat and short man when I read the book. But it turns out he's tall, this is the main problem. Luckily he doesn't act bad, so it's ok.
7. WHAT!? NO FIGHTING IN HOGWARTS??!! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST PART OF HBP, HOW COULD THEY CHANGE THIS?!!!! I'm so expecting the chaos, the fighting, the screaming, the wand lightning etc., but then? THEY RUIN IT!
8. HBP is supposed to be tensed, chaotic, heartbreaking, dangerous, but the film just gave me a dead silence feeling. I don't know why, maybe it's just my crazy feeling, but I really don't like the whole atmosphere.
9. Dumbledore's funeral is another MUST BE SEEN scene, I think. However, you know that, NOTHING SIMILAR HAPPENS! It's just students and teachers holding up their wand towards the sky. Honestly, I don't really know what's that mean, kind of respecting to Dumbledore? I don't think that enough if it's the aim. Dumbledore deserves more than only students and teachers pointing their wands up to sky.
10. Malfoy against Dumbledore scene. Definitely not good enough for me. Harry's frustration, helplesssness and sadness aren't fully expressed I think, because they cut the part that Dubledore stoned(I forget the spelling of the word'patrifxxxx', but you can get that, right?LOL) Harry. Harry could actually come out as long as he wanted. Then, Snape arrived. And what Snape did? He 'shu-ed' Harry, telling him not to make noise. To me, it seems that's the hint that Snape is on Dumbledore's side. They really shouldn't hint this, Snape is supposed to appear to be a betrayer until the last moment!
11. The tower scene, indicating Harry is not coming back to Hogwarts for school is, not good. How could they just focus on Harry and Hermione but missed out Ron? Like I said at the top, They're GOLDEN TRIO. THEY'RE ALWAYS TOGETHER, especially AT LAST! It feels like Ron was an outsider. Poor Ron:(
12. Why did Ginny hide the potion book with Harry? And why does Ginny hide the book, not Harry? WHY??? Then how did Harry remember where the Ravenclaw's crown is?? Do they really want to CHANGE EVERYTHING???

It seems like bad points are less than good points, so I should be happy about the film, but NO. Why do I say I'm disappointed at the film? It's because of the overall impression. The overall impression is not good ENOUGH. Maybe I'm so picky and bitchy, but whatever, I'm just not happy with the film. It doesn't reach my expectation.
Everyone who totally disagree with me, or even want to punch me now, I'm sorry I complained a lot, but these are what I feel, I just want to express this.
But I'm really appreciated that you read my film review, I'm trully happy about this even you disagree with me and want to beat me:)
And for those who agree with me, I could only say, 'THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I'M SO GLAD I FIND SOMEONE HAS SAME FEELING WITH ME!♥♥'!:DDD

Ok, yeah, I'm done with complaining/admiringLOL
Have to go showering, see you then:D

book, book fair, harry potter, harry potter and the half blood prince, film review

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