People started getting welcome e-mails from Pottermore. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. WHERE THE FUCK IS MINE? I swear to god, I registered literally 2 minutes after it opened on the first day. Now that I'm seeing screen caps, I'm forgetting about my initital calmness and starting to PANIC
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Comments 22
I really hope I get into Hufflepuff, too. Although I'd be happy with Ravenclaw as well.
I spent so much money on my Ravenclaw junk that I won't be too off-put if I am indeed a strong Ravenclaw, but I dunno. We shall see! It would totally blow my mind if I was a Slytherin.
I can't see either of us being put in Slytherin. That would really stun me. I'd be surprised to end up in Gryffindor, but it could happen. I'm a Leo, and I do have some fiery traits, but they are buried deeply. I think it's interesting that Slytherin is meant to correspond to water, because I do identify with the emotional qualities of the water element, but I don't really see that in any descriptions of Slytherin.
I can definitely identify some Gryff traits in me, but it would be pretty surprising if that's where I end up.
And it's exactly the same thing for the Slytherin, too. I'm always a mash up between earth and water, but lately, water has been a lot stronger. I doubt that will be enough to sway me in to it, though.
However, dogs! :D <3
Also, I have never heard of No. 6. I figure if you like it, it can't be as atrocious as most anime, right?
I'm fed up with anime, and have been for years. The cliches in every anime just really, really bothers me and I can't get past them. I only tried it because a bunch of people on SFD_A were freaking out over it, and they're generally a bunch of very smart ladies.
But if you generally hate anime, no way I'd recommend it. It's crawling with cliches and some really cheesy moments, but the BL fangirl in me likes it. It's nice to sit back and eat chips and watch once a week. And the plot does have a lot of potential. WE SHALL SEE.
But I swear, if the female character in it ends up being some maddened-by-love-omg-ilu-but-you-love-him-so-i-must-kill-everyone cliche, I'm not watching it anymore.
I'm definitely a recovering weeaboo, too.
I will be happy with any house, too. I'd be really surprised if I'm in Slytherin, but I will also embrace it with open arms and excitement. I like surprises!
I can honestly say there are not many series I like nowadaws. :/ I have a hard time getting past the never-ending cliches and sexism. I can enjoy them solely as after-work lazyness when I want to watch something that I'm not too invested in. The last one I quite enjoyed was Princess Jellyfish, but I haven't finished it yet, so I don't even know if I'll continue liking it. Some part of me wants to like anime again, and some other part of me can't stop being so critical. I've always liked manga way better, anyways.
Don't watch Gundam Wing. xD Seriously. It's so painfully bad. My sister and I were obsessed with it when we were younger, but we've been watching it and laughing our asses off. And not because it's funny on purpose. I can't believe it!
The thing I do like about anime is the voice acting. Always have, but I've fallen out of beat with seiyuu. I used to know all the popular ones, but there is not so many new ones and I can't really be bothered to learn about them like I did when I was in high school.
And thanks for the link! Maybe I'll check some of them out. I like sci-fi/supernatural elements and philosophical/spiritual themes, too. :D
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