People started getting welcome e-mails from Pottermore. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. WHERE THE FUCK IS MINE? I swear to god, I registered literally 2 minutes after it opened on the first day. Now that I'm seeing screen caps, I'm forgetting about my initital calmness and starting to PANIC.
So upset right now.
So may people are already in Ravenclaw. y tho? I'm really hoping for Hufflepuff at this point because there's so much Hufflepuff hate and I'm nothing like some of these Ravenclaws I see (if I may be snotty, ahem, yes I MAY). But I'm willing to accept what ever JKR thinks of me. I'm really giving disapproving side-stares at people who are swaying their answers. Some people are posting hints on swaying so you can get in to the house you want. WHY? Kind of ruins that magicalness.
Anyways, other than saying what house I'm sorted in to:
Poll Looking at the pottermore tag on tumblrs making me really, really anxious for my e-mail.
Oh, well, my dog made a friend at the folk fest:
In other news, Brett and I have been watching No. 6 every Thursday. It's the first anime I've kind of cared about and took the time to watch in years and years. Some parts of it make me roll my eyes, but it's not too bad.
...just can't take my mind off my empty inbox.
Chey stayed over last night. We were up till five. I've gotten about 4 hours of sleep. BRB, gonna go wake Chey up with my creys.