Tutorial #3 - Kristen Bell

Apr 01, 2006 22:04

with curves / color balance / defaults (PS7)...

Kristen Bell Tutorial

Rotate image (duplicate first) and crop your base. I used this image of Kristen Bell.

crtl + alt + shft + L (Image > Adjustments > Auto Contrast)
crtl + shft + L (Image > Adjustments > Auto Levels)
crtl + shft + B (Image > Adjustments > Auto Color)

Duplicate base. Overlay, 79%.

New Layer. Soft round 35 px brush. Black.

New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance [MY SETTINGS] (place between base and overlay layers)

New Adjustment Layer > Curves
I like to do new sepearte adjustment layers for RGB/green/red/blue so I can play with their visibility afterwards. But for easyness sake, they're all in the same layer here.
Note: For help with curves, refer to this tutorial by herdestiny.
Really, curves are very individual things, but these were my settings (without exact input/output values, since these probably wouldn't work the same for your icon)...


New Layer. Soft round 35 px brush. White - to make a light spot.

Add tiny text in Times New Roman, 2 pt, smooth.

Duplicate tiny text layer. Lower Opacity to 74%

Sharpen/fade/soften base as necessary.

[Layers Pallate]

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