day nine: three families claire doesn't have and one she does - claire bennet - heroes - fanfiction

Dec 10, 2007 23:46

Title: three families claire doesn't have and one she does
Rating: G
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: n/a
Characters: Claire Bennet (Molly Walker, Mr Walker, Mrs Walker; Mohinder Suresh, Chandra Suresh, Mrs Suresh; Matt Parkman; Noah "HRG" Bennet, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli)
Word Count: 969
Spoilers: none.
Summary: she truly couldn't ask for a better ( Read more... )

*g, !fanfiction, ch: claire bennet, - heroes

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Comments 19

atomic89 December 10 2007, 15:34:21 UTC
Noah and Nathan watched each other silently, seeming to appraise the other wearily.


The Claire-as-a-Walker section was especially cute and has now got me wanting some Claire and Molly interaction on the show. And of course I loved The Petrelli/Bennet's section.


sparkfading December 10 2007, 20:23:52 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D


(The comment has been removed)

sparkfading December 10 2007, 20:23:21 UTC
Thanks so much hon!


twistdmentality December 10 2007, 22:38:56 UTC
Hee, I got a fic dedicated too me! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

I think it's pretty obvious what my favorite section was. My second favorite would have to be the Parkman section. Greg Grunberg just gives off this warm teddy bear vibe so of course he would be the perfect brother.

In the Suresh section as soon as Chandra mentioned the "nice young man named Gabriel Grey", I let out a groan and wanted Claire to flee the building.

And of course the Petrelli/Bennet combo of awesome! First off, yay for Nathan & Claire having an established, positive relationship. I'm sure the show is going to have angst up the wazoo so the fluff is nice. And I liked the Peter hug too. I ship Peter/Claire but I'm totally able to take their interactions in a platonic uncle/niece manner but I like when people show there is some kind of connection there.

And I loved the HRG intro with his "Claire-bear". I always go "awww" when he calls her that.

Noah and Nathan watched each other silently, seeming to appraise the other wearily. Finally, ( ... )


sparkfading December 10 2007, 22:44:28 UTC
Haha, you sure did. You were so fun to talk to that I felt you deserved it. :p ♥

Hee, he does give off suuuch a teddybear vibe. You just want to give him a big hug. :D

Haha, poor Chandra and his very bad affiliation with Sylar. I had to include it.

The Petrelli/Bennet's deserve a little slice of happy, and happy they got. I want Nathan and Claire to work through their issues and have a more solid reletionship, cos they're sooo alike!

Haha, they are definitely alpha personalities. I'm dying for them to actually get a real scene together (one where he isn't chasing Nathan around Vegas in his pyjamas, LOL).

Anyway, really glad you liked it hon. :D Thanks for your comment, it means alot. ♥


made_in_ink December 10 2007, 23:01:54 UTC

I think the way you have altered Claire's character slightly with her different families is perfect. I loved her as Claire Walker that was so damn cute!!!!

Also Matt would be the perfect brother! He is just so awesomely awesome who wouldn't want him as a brother. He would be one of those brothers she could really turn to in a crisis but trust enough not to try and manipulate/interfere her life in some way *cough*Nathan/Peter1stseries*cough*. I also loved how she hated Janice...hell, doesn't everyone?

All in all, fan-freakin-tastic my friend. I loved it.


sparkfading December 10 2007, 23:04:17 UTC
YAY! I'm sooo glad hon. :D:D

Haha, thanks so much, I'm glad there was a notable difference since we all know family is what makes us who we are. ;)

He sooo would be! Too bad we didn't get more Matt/Claire interaction on the show. :( Haha, everyone totally hates Janice, poor Matt was blinded. *huggles him*

YAY AGAIN! Thanks soo much. ♥


made_in_ink December 10 2007, 23:09:56 UTC
Am I the only one who thinks Matt/Claire could be kinda sweet. Between them (well until recently) I think they are the two nicest people in the show (except perhaps Hiro and Peter). Their love would be very sweet dinner-and-a-movie, old fashioned flowers and door opening love! Sometimes fluffy, romantic love is awesomesauce, yo!

As a random note I'm totally gonna icon the scene in your icon saying 'Do I have to pop a bullet in yo ass?!'

Sandra FTW I say!!!!!! FTW!!!


sparkfading December 10 2007, 23:12:07 UTC
I've shipped Matt/Claire in silence for sooo long! OK, maybe not entire silence, I did vid them once. I LOVE THEM! They'd be sooo sweet. ♥

YAYAY, DO IT! And then share. Because it's caring. ♥


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