[buffyverse] catalyst, implied faith/buffy // hate & desire, cordelia/willow

Nov 10, 2007 22:01

Title: Catalyst
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: implied Faith/Buffy
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: femslash100 - #122 (therapy)
Notes: Set during Season Five of Buffy.
Summary: Faith sees a therapist in prison.
Word Count: 219

The visits with the therapist are apart of her count appointed treatment so that she can be rehabilitated. Each week, she has to heavily censor herself so that she’s not instantly transferred from prison to a nuthouse. After all, vampires and monsters and Slayers don’t really exist in the world that she lives in now. So instead she talks about she loved someone who never loved her. About how she looked at her like she was nothing more than dirt (worse than the monsters they slayed together), how the girl she loved hated her and kept pushing her away (pushed her towards the Mayor in the end), and how the girl she loved wanted her dead (even tried to kill her to save her one true love.) She talks about how of the actions of the person that she loved made her spiral out of control because she felt like no one would ever love her (after all if her own mother couldn’t love her what made her think she would ever love her back.)

It’s the truth even if it’s heavily edited, but she doesn’t blame Buffy for what happened. It’s not her fault that Faith was so damaged, so out of control to begin with; what happened will always be Faith’s fault. Buffy was just the catalyst.

Title: Hate & Desire
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Cordelia Chase/Willow Rosenberg
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: femslash100- #121 (seduce)
Notes: Set during Season Three.
Summary: What if Willow’s infamous fluke wasn’t with Xander?
Word Count: 110

She still hates her, even as her hands slide underneath her sweater, and their tongues are curled around one another. Willow will never love Cordelia Chase, much less like the former queen of the school, but she will admit that she loves the taste of Cordelia, and that she loves hearing Cordelia moan as Willow pushes her up against the storeroom’s door. And she’ll always blame Cordelia for seducing her, even if she does come back for more, every time Cordelia crooks her finger at her. But at this exact moment, Willow’s far too busy seeing how many ways she can make Cordelia gasp to really hate her former nemesis.

pairing: faith/buffy, community: femslash100, pairing: cordelia/willow, fandom: buffyverse

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