Title: Catalyst
aaronlisa Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: implied Faith/Buffy
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
femslash100 - #122 (therapy)
Notes: Set during Season Five of Buffy.
Summary: Faith sees a therapist in prison.
Word Count: 219
The visits with the therapist... )
Comments 1
She could also say that in the course of those two activities she acted up once or twice in relation to her activities; admit responsibility for her bad behavior, and meanwhile disguise her activities... also, how do we know that the therapist might not also be affiliated with the council? They'd have an interest in getting her well enough to do her job- in fact, I don't doubt that they would be glad to see her changes around about Season 7. They were pretty angry with her previous to that, I'll admit immediately, and acted entirely rashly as a result.
Sincerely eager to hear your thoughts;
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