[buffyverse] want, take, have

Apr 18, 2008 23:27

Title: Want, Take, Have
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 25_prompts #1 (money)
Notes: Contains general spoilers for both series.
Summary: She was always a day late and a dollar short.
Word Count: 371

There had never been enough money when Faith was growing up. It was always a situation of living hand to mouth, especially with her mother’s addictions. By the time that she had arrived in Sunnydale, Faith had decided to take the things that she wanted. She was tired of always being hungry whether it was for food or other things. When she had turned against Buffy, she had truly believed that she was choosing the winning side, the side that wouldn’t use her or turn against her.

Of course she had been wrong. Like always. It was the story of her life; she was always a day late and a dollar short. It wasn’t until Angel saved her that Faith realized that perhaps there was something else out there for her instead of a life of violence and crime. She had turned herself in without any regret, hoping that she could atone for her sins.

Prison had been unpleasant but there was something about it that made her feel better about herself than she had in years. Since she couldn’t slay, Faith had started to take courses. Not that she’d ever admit it to Angel when he came to visit but Faith hated feeling like she was stupid.

Faith didn’t know if she’d ever get out prison, although she was certain that she would. She often lay awake at night wondering what would happen if Buffy died and another Slayer wasn’t called because Faith was alive and kicking but stuck in prison unable to fill her destiny. It was moments like that she became restless and full of regret she planned ways of escaping so that she could do what she was born to do.

Yet morning always came and with it, the rationality of her situation came with it. When Wesley eventually came, Faith didn’t blink an eye or even think about the consequences. The hungry little girl that she once was had disappeared a long time ago. In her place was a mature Slayer who finally accepted what fate and destiny bestowed upon her. If Angel needed her, then she would go and do what she was born to do and not look for how it could benefit her.


length: drabble, community: 25_prompts, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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