Title: Everyday of My (Love) Life
facesandmasks Beta-ed by:
kami_no_kami Chapter : Chapter 2
Length: UNKNOWN. I swear.
Genre: love, (possible) male-male sex, drama
Rating: G and the rating will slowly go up.
Pairing: Yunjae and a bit of Yoosu. Changmin's all alone for now. LOL
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Comments 27
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Yunho! you're a total moron ò___ó *slaps him* how could you say this? you've hurt your Boo *slaps him even more*
now I'm totally curious what will happen next bb O___O
poor boy, going into an army camp ;__; *hugs you for comfort*hands you YunJae cookies for surviving*
lol, I loved it when Choi winked at Min :D POTENTIAL!!
I can't wait to see what happens next...
"I'll give him a call and let you know soon. And hurry up(!) because I'm hungry!"
After hanging up, an anxious Jaejoong asked if the appointment has(had) been made and he got a positive reply. But because(Although) DBSK has(had) a press conference (to) promoting(promote) their upcoming album and putting(put) finishing touches to their album after that(afterwards), a date with Dr Choi was set in late afternoon and that Jaejoong iswas the last patient to see Dr Choi. Changmin explained that(,) for some reason, Dr Choi tends to be more alert when he attends to the last patient instead of the first(gave attention to his last patients more than his previous ones). Changmin offered to accompany Jaejoong after completing the finishing ( ... )
*threatens you with a fist*
You better !!
*glares at you*
YunHo you idiot !!
*slaps YunHo*
How can you do that to JaeJoong umma ?!
*throws a chair*
You moron !!
*runs after YunHo*
You're dead if something happens to my umma !!
*chases YunHo around with a broomstick*
Damn army camp !!
*gets flamethrower*
Can I burn it down ? >[]
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