Things I'm digging right now

Oct 04, 2010 12:40

--the new Arcade Fire album. WOW. It's too early to tell if it's a crush or a long-term relationship...some of my favorite albums ever I was "meh" on at first, like Roxy Music's "Stranded" but at first listen this has that grab-me-in-the-gut-love-so-much quality I just haven't heard in an album in awhile. The best part is that it's an imagination ( Read more... )

random, repetitive stress, music

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Comments 8

sarah_prineas October 4 2010, 17:23:15 UTC
Have you, perhaps, a link for the fabulous girl-Bowies?


fabulousfrock October 5 2010, 02:44:18 UTC
Let's see, I think all of them are here!:


sarah_prineas October 5 2010, 02:49:29 UTC
Thank you!!

You're right: Cate Blanchett.


bodlon October 5 2010, 16:03:33 UTC
Ooh, linkage!

I, for one, do not object to a feed clogged with fem!Bowie goodness.


jessica_shea October 4 2010, 20:13:57 UTC
I haven't been able to get into the Arcade Fire yet, but Steve loves it. I am, however, a big fan of the cold front. It feels like fall! Grey drizzly fall, but still!

Also: stupid psychosomatic stuffs. I've been feeling all anxiousy-jittery and I know it's because things are so up in the air right now. I like your method of wondering what its purpose is. For me I think I need to refocus on eating better/moving more.


fabulousfrock October 5 2010, 02:57:28 UTC
I probably won't get TRUE PROPER fall weather until I come up there, but this is pretty nice. It's sunny here, low 80s.

I also need to eat better and move more...definitely. Ugh. Ironically last year when I was REALLY depressed I also was really exercising and being healthy and...ack. Now I've been a slacker and I'm looking a little flabby. But I don't think any of my actual health problems have anything to do with it... This year I've really noticed how much my mood affects my physical well-being. It's so weird. Like over the summer I was really into my writing and my hands didn't hurt much for months, but right before ALA I was nervous about the flight and the travel and all the money I'd been spending between that and BEA and I kept getting heart palpitations and fluttering sensations every day for two weeks leading up to my leaving. Once I made it to DC it went away and has stayed gone. But whenever I get stuck with MUS...the pain is back. It's driving me nuts!


robinellen October 4 2010, 20:57:05 UTC
I think many of my physical 'ailments' are really just stress (moping?) in disguise ;)


fabulousfrock October 5 2010, 03:00:20 UTC
Yeah...I'm starting to question everything now as just being stress..! Although I do think really stress-based ailments tend to be the things that move around or follow no logical pattern, and don't seem to get better from things you'd THINK would help.

But unfortunately knowing it comes from stress doesn't make it easy to shake. Just like stress itself. *sigh*


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