Trip plans, dinner

Mar 09, 2009 21:47

I've finished booking my vacation to Maryland, hotels and all! Because I am BRILLIANT, I booked the trip during Easter. Oops. So we were considering trying to stay with Dade's family but we decided not to bother them. It's okay. It's our 10th anniversary, we should have a hotel.

kmessner schooled me on using Priceline in chat awhile back, so I got ( Read more... )

food, travel

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fabulousfrock March 10 2009, 02:30:17 UTC
I didn't use recipes for these things since they were quite simple, although I do use recipes a lot. I think it's good to keep hunting down recipes because it keeps my cooking creative and I learn new techniques and flavor pairings... (I almost always change something about them though!)


soup/ trip amybre_white March 10 2009, 03:06:53 UTC
Okay, so we had cream of cauliflower soup tonight, too! No truffle oil and cheddar cheese, but I blame that on the kids. Hey, at least they got their veggie infusion for the night.

I am in Arlington, Va., which is not terribly far, but I think we'll be traveling for Easter. Or maybe not. My husband is now at the ER (I'm home with the kids) to see if he indeed ripped his Achilles' tendon tonight.

Keep me posted on your trip. I do love this part of the country. Around Frederick, MD and north or west, you would get much more snow every year than we get in the DC area. Baltimore and Annapolis are very fun. The beach and the mountains are both close and you have all those free museums in DC. NYC is an easy train trip or up on the shuttle. So, I'm a definite advocate. Lots of great state parks, too. Happy to answer questions, as I used to do a lot of local travel writing for The Washington Post.


boreal_owl March 10 2009, 03:22:29 UTC
That salad looks yummy!


robinellen March 10 2009, 03:24:40 UTC
Oh, I hope you have a wonderful trip (I'm sure you will) :D


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